30 minutes Elliptical, ramp 15, resistence 8
20 minutes Arc Trainer, hill setting, level 6
10 minutes StairMill, program 1, levels 6-8
Leg Weights:
Seated Hamstring Curls: 3 x 15 @ 50 lbs
Leg Press: 3 x 15 @ 70 lbs
Step Ups: 3 x 10/leg @ 24 lbs
Squats: 3 x 15 @ 8 lbs
Pendulum lunges: 2 x 15/leg @ 24 lbs
Calf Raises: 1 x 20 unweighted
10 minutes StairMaster, level 10
15 minutes Treadmill (11 running @ 5.5mph, 4 walking @ 3.5mph, all at 1% incline)
Upper Body Wts
Dumbell Chest Press on the Ball: 3 x 15 @ 10 lbs
Dumbell Shoulder Press on the Ball: 3 x 15 @ 10 lbs
Dumbell Bicep Curls: 3 x 15 @ 15/10/10 lbs
Tricep Rope Push-Downs: 3 x 15 @ 20 lbs
Lat Pull Downs: 3 x 15 @ 45/60/60 lbs
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