Thursday, August 28, 2008

7 mile tempo run with BE.

1| 9:58
2| 10:12
3| 10:22
4| 10:47
5| 10:43
6| 10:33
7| 10:35
7.0 miles | 1:11:15
0.56 mi CD

Polar HRM totals
Calories burned: 1144 (30% from fat)
Max HR 189 (95% max), Avg HR 165 (83% max)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Quick update:
I have completed 11 weeks of half marathon training, following a plan from the Runner's World site. I plan to run the PEI Half Marathon in October, 2008 with my sister (we did this before in 2006).

My knee has been healing like a rockstar since I finished physiotherapy in April of this year, following my December 2007 ACL reconstruction. It is not 100% yet (probably 90%) but I am working out harder and longer than I have in years (without a brace, I might add). I still favour my good leg a bit out of caution but mostly out of habit. This time last year I was unable to run a mile or two.. now my 8 mile long runs are enjoyable and pain free (well, aside from fatigue!). The human body, and medical technology, are amazing.
I have been tracking workouts elsewhere for the past few months but have decided to return to blogger.

15 minutes treadmill (1.0 mi run, the rest walking @ 3.5mph)
30 minutes Arc Trainer, hill intervals, level 6

Bench press: 3 x 15 @ 45 lbs (bar only)
Deadlifts: 1 x 15 w/ 15 lbs DBs, 1 x 10 w/ 10 lb DBs, 1 x 5 @ 5 lb DBs (all one set) then 1 x 15 torso twists w/ 25 lb plate, repeated 3 times only I used 20's, 15's, and 10's for the next 2 sets.
Bosu squats w/ bicep curl: 3 x 10 w/ 15 lb DBs
Assisted pull-ups: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs assisted
Tricep push-downs: 3 x 15 @ 25 lbs
45 degree leg press: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs
Single leg squats: 2 x 10/leg
Sumo squats: 1 x 3
Hanging knee raises: 3 x 15/20/15
Stability ball passes: 3 x 10

Polar Heart Rate Monitor Totals
Time: 1:30:00
Calories: 940 (50% from fat)
Max HR: 176 (89% max), Avg HR: 140 (71% max)