Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yesterday =

Swim w/ Mark:
150m swim
150m pull
200m kick

+ Drills (600m?)

+ 100m swim, 100m pull, 100m swim w/ fins, 100m kick
+ all of the above but 50's

Then I ran for 10 minutes on the track and did some weights:

Barbell squats: 2 x 20 @ 25/35 lbs
Leg press: 1 x 15 @ 135 lbs
Squats on bosu w/ medecine ball: 1 x 20 @ 3lbs
Deadlifts: 1 x 20 @ 30 lbs
Hip Abductions: 2 x 20 @ 70 lbs
Calf press: 2 x 20 @ 70 lbs (left only)
Hip Adductions: 2 x 20 @ 70 lbs
Lat pulldowns: 2 x 15 @ 40 lbs
Chets press: 1 x 20 @ 20 lbs
Push-ups: 1 x 20
Hanging knee raises: 1 x 20
Bicycle crunches: 1 x 40
Assisted pull-ups: 1 x 10 @ 70/90 lbs assisted

Friday, February 19, 2010

Finally got my interval workout in today :D

But not before a strange incident at the gym (Nubody's). By way of background, I do have a student membership to my University gym (included in my tuition) but I stubbornly refuse to pay the $150 extra a year necessary to access the treadmills (what a joke!). There is an indoor running track at school but it has an odd measurement (265m inside lane or something like that) so not the best for doing intervals if you're like me and cannot workout and do math at the same time!!

Long story short, when I need to do intervals and the weather is not on my I have been getting a day pass at Nubody's. A full blown membership would not be worth it to me since I use the weights at the University gym and swim, bike, run at school/outside. Simple.

Normally getting a day pass is no biggie. I sign a waiver, pay 10 bucks and off I go. No questions asked. Today was different. Today after I signed the form, a personal trainer walked up to me and asked if Bria was here to see her. Thinking the counter clerk must have misunderstood what I meant by the simple words "day pass", I told the trainer that no, I was just interested in a day pass- not a tour, not a membership, not a plan- just a day pass.

And yet, this woman wants me to "sit down" with her. Y'okay lady, whatever. THEN she asks me a hundred questions about WHY I don't have a gym membership (her questions were to the tune of I do not have one since I do not exercise as much as I should). After rhyming off a bunch of reasons ("I'm running outside v. treadmill this winter but uh, did ya see the ice out there today?!"; "My bf and I have indoor cycling trainers"; "I use the weights at Dal") she was still puzzled as to WHY I did not want a full membership. I told her I don't go to Nubody's enough to make it worth my $40 a month. She was still convinced at this point that I am not committed to fitness. After more explaining, and trying to defend my fitness know-how (in hindsight maybe I should have given her this blog URL) she says to me: "Oh, so you just want a free workout then?". Ummm wha? See the $10 in my hand? I am not trying to swindle anything out of you, I just want to use that treadmill! Right there! Behind you! The one that's sooo close and yet soo far. [okay I didn't say that but those were my thoughts]

Anyways. She explains that it is "open house week" at Nubody's so any Joe Blow off the street can come in and get a free day pass and with that comes some membership banter I guess. She asks what my "next competition" is and I tell her a duathlon in Phoenix next weekend. I train 10 hours a week while going to law school full time so bite me. She finally gives me the nod and is swayed that I "know what I'm doing" (most people she says, come in once, don't know what to do and never come back).

Well lady, I am not most people. Thanks for the 40 minute treadmill run, hot shower, and free pass. Don't be so quick to judge next time.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A little "in between classes" swimming action at the pool this afternoon:

200m swim
200m pull
200m kick w/ fins


100m catch up
100m single arm
200m pull
200m kick w/ fins
Ahhhh, recovery week.

Yesterday was a snow day here in Halifax. The snow gods dropped 30 centimeters of the white stuff on us! Yesterday was also supposed to be an interval run workout for me. The University was closed so there was no possibility of swimming instead sooo yesterday became a complete day off.

This morning I trotted out of my apartment building full of excess energy to a University track, dodging patches of ice and slush, with some (overly optimistic) glimpse of hope that maybe- just maybe- a saint would have shoveled off the outdoor track. Ha. Wishful thinking Bria! So back home I went. The result was a 30 minute 5km jog, hopefully some swimming this afternoon, and intervals tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I just made this workout up as I went. In dire need of some guidance and structure w/ my swim workouts!

Warm-up =
200m swim
200m pull
200m kick (w/ fins)

Main set =
6 X 100m w/ 15 seconds rest
200m kick
100m catch up drill
100m single arm drill

Cool-down =
200m swim
100m kick

Total = 2500m/60 mins

Then it was off to the weight room for some strength training. I was feeling good so I upped the weight from what I had been lifting the past 6 weeks or so. I will be a hulk soon. :)

Leg Press: 3 x 15 @ 130/130/150 lbs
Cable Row: 3 x 15 @ 30/40/50 lbs
Lat Pull Downs: 3 x 15 @ 50 lbs
Single Leg Squats on Bosu(left leg only): 1 x 20 @ 30 lbs
Barbell Squats: 2 x 20 @ 40/30 lbs
Deadlifts: 1 x 20 @ 30 lbs
Hip Abductions: 3 x 20 @ 70/80/80 lbs
Hip Adductions: 1 x 20 @ 70(?) lbs [Dalplex's circa 1970 weight sets are not all marked]
Hyperextensions on ball: 2 x 20
Hanging Knee Raises: 2 x 20
DB Chest Press: 3 x 15 @ 30 lbs

Monday, February 15, 2010

30 minutes Spinervals Time Saver technique workout.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Today's run: [was supposed to include 8k @ 5:15 but I broke that up over 13k]

1 | 5:56
2 | 6:03
3 | 6:01
4 | 6:00
5 | 5:59
6 | 5:15
7 | 5:17
8 | 5:12
9 | 5:11
10| 6:33
11| 6:17
12| 5:14
13| 5:14
14| 6:16
15| 6:20
16| 6:13
17| 5:07
18| 5:12
18.0km | 1:43:23 | 5:45min/km

That was my longest run since last fall and it just about killed me, as you can see from my "recovery" kilometer times!

Yesterday was a rest day, but Friday's run looked like this:

1 | 5:48
2 | 5:47
3 | 5:42
4 | 5:43
5 | 5:18
6 | 5:45
7 | 4:59
8 | 5:15
8.0km | 44:16 | 5:32min/km

It was supposed to be 8k @ 6:04 w/ strides. I needed to run off my steam though. It did the trick!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Swim day :)

45 minutes, which was 3X:

200m swim (4 min each)
200m pull
200m kick

And a few weights:

Leg Press: 3 x 15 @ 130/130/150 lbs
Hip Abductions: 3 x 20 @ 70 lbs
Calf press: 3 x 15 @ 70 lbs (left only)

And some stretching.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ahhh great day for a run! -5 Celsisus, no wind, and SUNSHINE! The rest of the week looks equally promising.

Unfortunately my Garmin did not cooperate during today's 14km run so all I know is it took me 86 minutes including stops at traffic lights. I ran at an easy pace and I think it works out to be just about 6:05min/km- right on track.

I love running through point pleasant park!! Every time I run through it I can't help but notice how many different and unique breeds of dogs people have around here. Many of them purebreds, some wearing their winter coats, some chasing squirrels, some chasing ME. I wonder how strange people think I am when I say hello to their animal without necessarily saying good morning to them? :)

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

45 minutes Spinervals - sprinting machine

Monday, February 08, 2010


20 x 100m (mostly w/ pull buoy) - 47 min

+ 200m kick

Leg press: 2 x 15 @ 130 lbs
Single leg DB squat: 1 x 15 @ 30 lbs
Hip abductions: 2 x 15 @ 70/90 lbs
Calf press: 2 x 15 @ 70 lbs (left only)
Hanging knee raises: 1 x 20
Lat pull downs: 2 x 15 @ 40 lbs
Seated rows: 2 x 15 @ 30 lbs
Chest press: 2 x 15 @ 30/20 lbs

Sunday, February 07, 2010

This weekend kicked my butt! My legs were tired for today's long run which is reflected in the extra 3 minutes it took me as compared to last week. A group of cyclists passed me on my run - the weather was actually nice enough for an outdoor ride today. Things are looking up.

That wraps up another week!

Swim - 2 hours
Bike - 3.5 hours
Run - 3.8 hours
Strength - 1 hours

16.0km @ 6:02min/km; 1040 kcals; AHR 166, MHR 183

Saturday, February 06, 2010

2 hour ride on the trainer

Spinervals 31.0 Endurance Booster (1:45) + 15 mins easy spinning

942 kcals (50% from fat! in the right zone)
MHR 161 (82% max), AHR 138 (70% max)

Friday, February 05, 2010

Brrr! This must have been the coldest run of the year. -13 celsius but felt like -23 with the wind chill. Hopefully the worst part of winter is over and temperatures will start creeping up again.

10km w/ 5km tempo @ 5:01min/km
Max Heart Rate = 184
Avg Heart Rate = 169

Also did 30 minutes of Spinervals w/ Mark this a.m. (Time Saver Tempo) - MHR 160, AHR 132

Thursday, February 04, 2010


200m swim
200m pull
200m kick (fins)

3 x 50m one arm breathing/kicking drill (fins)
3 x 50m one arm side swimming/breathing drill (fins)

Main set:
6 x 100m @ 2:00 or less w/ 30 sec rest
~100m kick recovery w/ fins~
2 x 200m @ 4:00 (1st), 4:15 (2nd)

200m kick (fins)

Then I had the bright idea of going to the Dal weight room at 4pm. Every varsity team player had the same idea. I managed this much and then bailed:

Leg press: 3 x 20 @ 90/110/130 lbs
Squats on bosu: 1 x 20 @ 40 lbs
Cable row: 3 x 15 @ 30/40/40 lbs
Lat pull downs: 1 x 15 @ 40 lbs
Hip Abductions: 1 x 20 @ 70 lbs
Stability ball crunches: 1 x 20

Lesson learned!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

60 minute swim with Tracy and Sam which was great!

600m w/u (200 swim, 200 pull, 200 kick)
and then: 16 x 50m @ 1:10 but gradually slowing down to 1:20 (incl. rest) haha
+ 8 x 50m @ 1:15
200m kick c/d

30 minutes strength:
Barbell squats: 3 x 20 @ 25/35/45 lbs
Bosu DB squats: 3
Single leg squats (left leg only): 1 x 20 @ 40 lbs
Cable row: 3 x 15 @ 45 lbs
Lat pull downs: 3 x 15 @ 45 lbs
Calf press (left leg only): 3 x 20 @ 70 lbs
Hip abductions: 3 x 15/15/20 @ 90/90/70 lbs

Monday, February 01, 2010

A recovery ride on the trainer this morning - legs are feeling good after yesterday's 16km :)

60 min Spinervals Ultra Core Conditioning