Sunday, June 26, 2005

Oops, forgot to post a few workouts. Oh well.


Dumbell curls: 3 x 10/6/10 @ 20/20/15 lbs
Barbell curls: 3 x 10/10/4 @ 35/35/45 lbs
Preacher curls (cable): 3 x 8/8/6 @ 20 lbs

Seated low rows (cable): 3 x 10 @ 60/60/70 lbs
Seated high rows (wide grip, cable): 3 x 10/10/8 @ 60/70/80 lbs
Lat pull downs: 3 x 10 @ 60/60/70 lbs

Crunches on stability ball w/ 4lb medecine ball (side, front, side): didn't count them.. but enough to make me sore
Leg lifts off decline: 3 x 12
Hanging knee raises: 3 x 15
Torso twists w/ 8 lbs medecine ball: 3 x 20

Cardio: 20 mins cross trainer @ level 3, 20 mins bike @ level 8

45 minute walk on the boardwalk, fast pace

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Seated low rows (cable): 3 x 10/10/8 @ 50/60/70 lbs
Seated high rows (cable): 3 x 10 @ 60 lbs
Lat pull downs: 3 x 10 @ 60/60/70 lbs

Hanging knee raises: 3 x 20
Leg lifts off decline: 3 x 12
Leg lifts w/ stability ball: 3 x 10
Crunches on stability ball: 3 x 15
Circles off decline: 1 x 10/side
Medecine ball twists: 2 x 50

Cardio = 30 mins cross trainer.. maybe not the best idea for me knee. Oops.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Shoulder press: 3 x 10/10/8 @ 40/40/50 lbs
Upright rows (bar): 3 x 10 @ 35/45/45 lbs
Overhead press: 3 x 10/8/10 @ 30/30/20 lbs

Overhead press (different from above): 3 x 10 @ 35 lbs
Push-downs (lever): 3 x 10 @ 35 lbs
Tricep dips (off a bench): 3 x 10

Leg lifts off decline: 2 x 12
Medecine ball twists: 60
Crunches w/ medecine ball on stability ball: 12

Cardio = 30 minutes bike @ level 8

Friday, June 10, 2005

Lying dumbell flyes: 3 x 10 @ 10 lbs/hand
Paramount press: 3 x 10/10/8 @ 50/50/60 lbs
Incline chest press: 3 x 10/10/6 @ 25/25/40 lbs

Standing dumbell curls: 3 x 10/10/6 @ 15/15/20 lbs
Standing bar curls: 3 x 10 @ 35 lbs
Preacher curls (cable): 3 x 6 @ 20 lbs.. holy frig I find these hard

Bicycles: 3 x 40 (20/side)
Crunches on the ball w/ 4 lb medecine ball (side, front, side): 3 x 3?? Found these hard too.
Hanging knee raises: 4 x 10
Leg lifts off the decline: 1 x 12
Leg circles off the decline- one set of 6 reps in a bunch of different ways

A light 30 minutes on the bike.

Must.. be .. careful.. of .. KNEE
I haven't been working out again because of my knee. I re-injured it last Thursday (June 2nd), and it is only now beginning to feel better again.

Last night:
Swam 200m, back crawl and just random swimming
Treaded water for 5 minutes
45 minute core strength class in the pool

My knee didn't hurt at all in the pool so maybe swimming is an option I should be considering. The core strength class was different. I would say it was a low to moderate intensity work out. I spent most of my time wrestling noodles. I'd go to it again though.