So, I am officially registered to run the Toronto Marathon on October 15th, 2006.
I have been thinking about running a marathon for a while now, and now that I am dealing with this break up stuff, I need something to be able to work towards, occupy my time, and look forward to. Originally, I had thought of doing the PEI Marathon but then decided that the Toronto would be more motivating since I have never been to TO, and at that point I will not have seen Gill for like 6 months (holy crap, Gill!). Annnnd they have pretty finisher medals.
So, I am going to follow Hal Higdon's novice marathon training plan. I posted on his message boards this morning about a minor hip problem I have been having and he suggested taking 3 days off completely, and then running less miles for a couple of weeks. I am to begin the training plan on Monday, so I am taking a few days off right now. He said this was okay since I was already running more miles than I will be in the first few weeks of training. I can't believe I got advice from Hal, that is so cool! I love the internet.
I also need to be more consistent with weight training to prevent injuries.
Oh, and I bought some new shoes. I'm hoping that by replacing my shoes this stupid achey hip business will stop. It's not terriblely painful, just a dull ache that I am aware of. It no doubt has something to do with my "bad" knee so I need to quit procrasinating and make an appointment to get some orthodics.
But anyways.
This is now a marathon training journal. :D
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2 days ago
Exciting! I like Hal ... his plans seem pretty reasonable and it's pretty cool that he is so easy to interact with. I used to read his forums and loved that he actually read and responded. Looking forward to following your training - good luck!!
Thanks! I was shocked he actually replied, what a nice guy.
Wow! Congrats on commiting to your first marathon!!
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