I tried some light leg weights today for the first time since I fell at the gym in August. I did notice while doing my lying hamstring curls that my knee was still clicking every time I bent it past a certain angle, but the click wasn't as painful as it used to be. Progess? Maybe. I still feel a weakness in that leg even when walking on the treadmill. Maybe next time I will lift weights on each leg separately to try and regain the strength in my bad leg.
Seated leg extension: 3 x 10 @ 30 lbs
Lying hamstring curls: 3 x 10 @ 40 lbs
Deadlifts: 3 x 10 @ 35 lbs
Slow bicyles: 3 x 20
Hanging knee raises: 3 x 20
Leg lifts off decline: 3 x 10
30 minutes walking @ 4.0mph on treadmill
30 minutes hill setting on elliptical (precor), resistence 8, max incline 13 *this was a good workout, I may do it again*
My calves are still aching from spinning!