18km Long Run!
1 | 6:09
2 | 6:08
3 | 6:04
4 | 6:20 [traffic light]
5 | 6:46 [again]
6 | 6:45 [again.. frustrating!]
7 | 6:17
8 | 6:47
9 | 6:13
10| 5:58
11| 6:18
12| 6:12
13| 6:17
14| 6:05
15| 6:38 [dodging people on busy street]
16| 6:05
17| 6:29 [traffic light]
18| 8:07 [worst side stitch of LIFE!]
18.0km | 1:55:31 | 6:25min/km
This is my first long run this summer/fall that felt GOOD. I felt really strong and in control until the last 700m when I got the most painful side stitch that forced me to walk the rest of the run. Traffic lights and side stitch aside, this 18k was 5 minutes faster than my last 18k and felt MUCH better. A recovery week really does one a world of good!
Run fuel: 7 jujubes (170kcal) + 300ml Gatorade/water dillution
Post-run recovery fuel: 250ml skim milk
How to Organize iPhone Photos
2 days ago
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