Friday, February 29, 2008

Physio today:
10 minutes w/u on the bike
22 minutes treadmill (5 x 1 minutes jogging @ 4.5mph!!)

rolling out IT bands
30 half squats
30 hip abductions
standing on the bosu
step ups
full leg stretch

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Physio today:
20 minutes bike (with some intervals, getting really bored of the bike!!)

rolling out IT bands
30 half squats
step ups (not sure how many/alternating legs)
standing on one leg on the bosu
full leg stretch

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Walk to/from gym (2 miles)
Bike: 20 minutes @ level 8 with a few intervals @ level 12

Hanging knee raises: 2 x 20 (regular), 2 x 20 (side-to-side)
Barbell curls: 2 x 10 @ 30 lbs
Half squats: 3 x 10 + 1 x 5 single leg quarter squats on the affected leg
Vertical rows: 2 x 10 @ 33 lbs
Incline bench press: 2 x 10 @ 45 lbs

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Walk to & from gym (2 miles/35 minutes-ish)
15 minutes bike (level 8 with 2 x 1 minute intervals @ level 12)
5 minutes Stairmaster @ level 7 (just seeing how the knee took to it.. it was okay)
10 minutes elliptical, resistence @ 8, ramp @ 6-8

Chest flies: 1 x 10 @ 20 lbs
Chest press: 1 x 10 @ 20 lbs
Hanging knee raises: 3 x 20
Crunches on the bosu: 3 x 10
Half squats: 30
Lat pulldowns: 3 x 10 @ 50 lbs
Tricep pushdowns: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Incline bench press: 3 x 8 @ 45 lbs

Full leg stretch
Calf stretch
Quad stretch

Walk to & from gym (2 miles/35 minutes)
20 minutes bike with 8 x 1 minute resistence intervals

Hanging knee raises: 2 x 20 (regular), 2 x 20 (side to side)
Dumbell curls: 2 x 10 @ 10 lbs
Barbell curls: 2 x 10 @ 25 lbs
Leg press: 1 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Standing on one leg on the bosu
Crunches on the ball: 2 x 15

Friday @ physio:

15 minutes bike w/u (with 5 x 1 minute intervals @ 3KP resistence)
Rolling out IT bands
30 half squats
30 hip abductions
15 step ups (new exercise: step up [with bad leg] on to a step and hold then step down)
standing on one leg on a bosu

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

15 minutes walk to the gym
20 minutes elliptical (level 5 resistence)
10 minutes bike (5 mins @ level 12, 5 mines @ level 8)

Hanging knee raises: 2 x 20 (regular), 2 x 20 (side to side)
Half squats: 2 x 15
Standing on one leg on bosu: 2 x 30 sec/leg

Monday, February 18, 2008

So, of course I paid the price for my marvelous workout on Saturday.. my knee was not happy with so much activity and was swollen yesterday and still a bit today. Physio says this will happen from time to time as the tissues respond to increases in activity.

Today at physio:

Bike: 20 minutes easy (1.5 KP resistence)
Rolling out IT bands
30 half squats
30 hip abductions
5 x 30 sec standing on one leg on the bosu (getting better at it!)
*new full leg stretch

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My knee felt SO good at the gym today! I have permission from my PT to go "braceless" at the gym from now on. It was amazing how much more normal I felt without that thing on. I started doing a new stretch for my quad/top of my knee.. I lie on my stomach and with my legs at 90 degrees I cross my good leg over the bad one and gently push my heel toward my butt. It has helped a bunch. Even went down some stairs today without pain.

Walk to & from gym (2 miles, ~35 mins)
Elliptical (!!), 15 mins, incline 1-3, resistence 5-8
Stationary bike, 20 mins, levels 6-7

30 half squats
5 x standing on one leg on the bosu
Leg press: 30 reps @ 70 lbs, 15 @ 90 lbs
Hanging knee raises: 3 x 20 (normal), 2 x 20 (alternating sides)
Bicycles: 1 x 24
Incline bench press: 3 x 5 @ 45 lbs
Lat pull downs: 3 x 10/10/6 @ 40/40/50 lbs
Seated vertical rows: 2 x 10 @ 35 lbs
Cable tricep pushdowns: 2 x 12 @ 30 lbs

Friday, February 15, 2008

Today at physio:
20 minutes bike (5 w/u, 10 mins intervals w/ 3 KP resistence, 5 c/d)

rolling out IT bands (they felt a little better today)
30 half squats
30 hip adductions
5 x balancing on one leg (15-30 secs)
balancing on one leg on the bosu (this is fun!)

Thursday at physio:
20 minutes bike (5 w/u, 10 mins intervals w/ 3 KP resistence, 5 c/d)

30 half squats
30 hip adductions
balancing on one leg
New exercise added: balancing on one leg on the bosu!
rolling out IT bands

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today was the best day all year! I had my 2 month follow up visit with the surgeon and she said I can start jogging!! I doubt if I will actually attempt this until the weekend or maybe next week, but I was so happy to get the go ahead!! She also said that I can wear heels, do leg extensions at the gym, and walk as much as I'd like. She bent my knee around and said the graft feels strong and my surgeon from home did a great job. Just what I wanted to hear. :)

At phsyio today:
Bike: 20 minutes (5 w/u, 10 intervals (3 KP resistence), 5 c/d)
Rolling out IT bands
30 half squats
5 balancing exercises/leg (standing on one leg)
30 hip adductions

Sunday, February 10, 2008

walk to & from gym (2 miles)
22 minutes bike (2 mins w/u, 15 intervals, 5 mins c/d)

Hanging knee raises: 2 x 15
Barbell curls: 2 x 10 @ 25 lbs
Half squats: 30
Seated rows: 2 x 10 @ 35 lbs
Incline bench press: 1 x 5 @ 45 lbs
Overhead tricep press: 2 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Single arm rows: 1 x 8/arm @ 20 lbs

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Walk to the gym (1 mile, 15-20 mins)
20 minutes bike (2 min w/u, 12 x 30 second intervals hard/easy resistence, 5 minutes c/d)

Hanging knee raises: 3 x 15
Cable tricep pushdowns: 2 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Lat pulldowns: 3 x 10 @ 40 lbs
Bench press: 3 x 10/10/8 @ 45 lbs
Half squats: 2 x 30
Overhead shoulder press: 2 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Bicyles: 1 x 24
V-sits: 1 x 15
Crunches on the ball: 3 x 15

Also did a lot of shopping this afternoon, so about 45min-an hour walking around the mall.

Yesterday (Friday) at physio:

20 minutes bike (5 w/u, 5 c/d, with 10 min intervals in between)
30 mini squats
balancing on one leg (10 each maybe)
Rolling out IT bands on the roll

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I think I will start documenting my physiotherapy sessions here so that I can monitor progress.

5 min w/u (no resistence)
10 min intervals (30 sec light resistence/30 sec 2-2.5 KP resistence)
5 min c/d (no resistence)

30 mini squats
5 balancing holds (per leg)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

10 minutes elliptical!! (just trying out the motion.. light resistence/low incline)
15 minutes bike, levels 5-10 (resistence intervals, 30 sec easy/30 harder)

2 miles walking to the gym & back (we'll see how angry my knee gets tomorrow because of this..)

hanging knee raises: 2 x 15
overhead dumbell press: 3 x 10 @ 20 lbs
lat pull downs: 3 x 10 @ 40 lbs
bench press: 2 x 10 @ 45 lbs

and my usual physio exercises (3 x 10 half squats, heel slides, etc)

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Gym attempt #2

Random observation: the gym is probably the only place where people don't gawk at my knee brace. Instead, there seems to be a silent acknowledgement from fellow athletes that they know what happened to you and it sucks.

5 minutes warm/up (no resistence)
10 minutes intervals (30 seconds light resistence/30 seconds harder)
5 minutes cool/down (no resistence)

hanging knee raises: 2 x 15
crunches: 2 x 15
bicycles: 1 x 15 (knee did not feel great doing these)
dumbell curls: 2 x 12/10 @ 10/15 lbs
skull crushers: 2 x 12 @ 15 lbs
dumbell bench press: 3 x 10 @ 30 lbs
seated row: 3 x 10 @ 25 lbs

I did a lot of walking today. Probably 30 minutes.