Hotttt run. 38 degrees with the humidex. I think I am acclimatized to the heat though because I didn't mind it until the last few km's when I was thirsty and didn't bring water with me. Body still tired from Sunday's hard 10km; taking tomorrow off.
1 | 6:05
2 | 6:13
3 | 6:13
4 | 6:10
5 | 6:21
6 | 6:16
7 | 6:24
8 | 6:18
9 | 6:32
10| 6:32
11| 6:31
12| 6:16
12.0km | 1:15:50 | 6:19min/km
MHR 179
AHR 165
822 calories burned
+short swim at the beach (maybe 100-200m)
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