Woke up early this morning after a night of drinks and dancing (oops..) to go to my first race since injuring my knee in July 2004.
I got to the UPEI student union builing, met up with Erin, registered and got my bib number put on, and then we chatted with Julie until it was time to go. The sun was shining, it was -6 degrees celsius and only a light wind.
We all lined up, the gun went off, and away we went. It had snowed over night so the sidewalks had a light dusting of snow over them. The first mile felt easy, so I pulled in behind another girl who was keeping the same pace as me. I kept with her for the next mile but she took off at the last half mile or so. I trudged up the final kilometer (uphill) and picked up my pace for the last 200m or so (again, could have done this earlier). I felt wasted as I was going up that last km but immediately after I stopped I felt fine, which leads me to believe I could've pushed harder. But all in all, it was a good run, I finished 39/63 and 16th overall female with a time of 30:19 for 5.4km (3.4 mi)
Here are my results:
Pos. Runner's Name Sex # Age Race Time Pace (Min/Mile) Pace (Min/km)
39 Bria Brown Female 219 20 30:19 9:02 5:36
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2 days ago
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