This has been an incredible year for me fitness wise. It was the first year since 2004 (when I injured my knee) that I have been able to run pain free. I owe much of my sanity to my amazing physiotherapist and surgeon. These people fixed me and gave me quality of life back.
This year I ran a PR half marathon, a 10k, and a 5k in addition to many training runs. Physique wise, I'm at a weight that is normal for me but I would like to lose 5-10lbs. I have hovered around 152 lbs for the past 5 years. I don't want to weigh in the 150's anymore. My body looks better in the 140's so I'm going to go there and stay there. Knowing my body, the first five pounds I could get rid of relatively easy by running 20-25 miles a week and avoiding fast food, junk, and alcohol. The challenge will be the other 5. That will require scruitinizing my diet in addition to running like a mad woman. I'm ready to do it. Here is my plan of action (which I have already started! Why put off for tomorrow what can be done today?):
* Burn 5,000 calories/week
- Run at least 3 days a week
- Spin at least 1 day a week
- Walk instead of taking the bus as much as possible
* Prevent injury, promote strength, soothe stress
- Go to a strength class at the gym at least 1 x week
- Strengthen adductors at least 3 x week to prevent return of ITBS!
- Do IT band stretches whenever I run
- Try a hot yoga class
* Eliminate binge drinking (this is huge for me; I am very vulnerable to peer pressure and that is the ONLY reason I binge drink. I'm done.)
* In furtherance to that, limit alcohol at social events (i.e. law firm functions) to one glass of red with dinner.
* Monitor caloric intake
- Knowledge is power. Food diary. Every day. Not just when I fall off the wagon.
* Take measurements on the first of every month
- I used to be good with this but not as of late. Need to get back at it!
* Keep this blog updates
- I enjoy reading my own archives to analyse progress.
* Run a sub-60 minute 10k in 2009
* Run a sub-55 minute (!!) 10k in 2009
* Run the Freeze Your Gizzard Half Marathon in February 2009
* Run the Bluenose Half Marathon in May 2009
* Run the Prince Edward Island Marathon in October 2009
- I have run the half marathon twice now, and will have run two other halfs by this time. I'm ready.
I am very grateful for my current state of health and ready to push my body to new limits this coming year!
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2 days ago
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