Friday, June 30, 2006

So, my GPS did that weird thing again where it added 2+ minutes to my first mile time. I noticed that it happened right after I was stopped at a traffic light, so maybe it didn't auto pause? Anyhow, I certainly did not run an 11:36 first mile, so I'm changing it to a 9:30

1 | 9:30
2 | 9:43
3 | 9:17
0.3 | 2:41
3.3 miles | 30:15 | 9:10min/mi

0.4 mi walking CD

Leg extensions: 3 x 10 @ 50 lbs
Calf press: 3 x 15 @ 50 lbs
Walking lunges: 2 x 10/leg @ 20 lbs
Hip Adductors & Abductors: 3 x 12 @ 130 lbs each
Leg press: 3 x 10 @ 70 lbs
Crunches on ball: 3 x 10
Single leg split squats off bosu: 1 x 10/leg
Side squats off bosu: 1 x 5/leg
Lunges on to bosu: 1 x 10/leg


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Surveys are always fun! Jessica tagged me, so here is a little about me:

4 jobs I've had:
Front desk clerk at the pool/hockey rink
Wal-Mart employee (1st job :p)

4 movies I watch over and over:
Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (dont' judge me!)
The Notebook
Pretty Woman

4 Places I have lived:
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island :)

4 TV shows I watch:
American Idol
The OC
Dr. Phil

4 Places I've been on Vacation:
Peurta Plata, Dominican Republic
Halifax, Nova Soctia
Moncton, New Brunswick
My cottage in Blooming Point

4 Websites I visit everyday:
The Weather Network

4 Favorite Foods:
Anything pasta
Ice cream, and flavor
Greek salad, no olives :p

4 Places I'd rather be right now:
In a refridgerator (it's very hot and humid here today)
At the beach
In a pool

4 Favorite Bands/Singers:
Britney Spears
50 cent

4 Bloggers I'll tag:
I'm not sure if there's even 4 people that read this, so I'm putting 3 :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


3.81 mile time trial with the running group | 33:57 | 8:52min/mi

This morning:

4 miles | 39:02 | 9:42min/mi
0.23 mi walking CD

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The strangest thing happened last night. I happened to b waiting on an orthopedic surgeon, and he examned my knee for me! He told me that the cartilage had popped out and the tiny ligaments that hold the cartilage together had been torn, but that over time the cartilage had popped back in on it's own and the little ligaments healed. H said my knee is fine now, but I need a 1/4 heal insert in my left heal because my left hip is a little lower than my right. Hence the recent hip pain!

It was really cool, I was grateful for his advice.

7 mile long run today. My GPS did something weird on the first mile.. at about 0.45 miles into my run, the time went back to 0:00, so it says my first mile was 12:00, which is just not possible. I'd approximate it to be similar to mile 2. so I'm changing it here.Also got a really bad side stitch at 4 miles and fought with it for the rest of the run.

1 | 9:38
2 | 9:38
3 | 9:29
4 | 10:28
5 | 9:41
6 | 9:41
7 | 9:35
7.0 miles | 1:08:35 | 9:48min/mi
0.52 mi walking CD | 9:05

Thursday, June 22, 2006

3 miles encore aujourd'hui.

1 | 9:29
2 | 9:33
3 | 8:51
3.0 miles | 27:53 | 9:18 min/mi
0.18 mi walking CD | 3:13

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

1 | 9:42
2 | 9:41
3 | 9:11
3.0 miles | 28:33 | 9:31min/mi
0.15 mi walking CD | 2:39

I have acquired a new piece of gadgetery. A pedometer. We're having a competetion of summer students working in the building vs. faculty. Yesterday I had 19,358 steps! 11,000 of them from waitressing last night. Woah!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

On to week 2 (or is it 17?) of the marathon training.

1 | 9:41
2 | 9:34
3 | 8:58
3.0 miles | 28:13 | 9:24min/mi
0.13 mi walking CD | 2:33

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I cut the crosstraining short today because I will be waitressing all day which is more than enough walking around than is required for today's XTing session.

10 minutes stationary bike, level 8
20 minutes cross trainer, level 10

Seated rows: 3 x 12 @ 30 lbs
Lat pulldowns: 3 x 10 @ 50 lbs
Overhead shoulder press: 3 x 10 @ 20 lbs
Front raises: 3 x 10/arm @ 10 lbs

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I underestimated the heat today and that was reflected in my time for my "long run". Oh well, it was only supposed to be an easy run anyway. I was getting cramps in my abs when doing crunches afterwards though, which could have been from dehydration since I didn't bring any water on my run. Oops. Lesson learned.

1 | 9:02
2 | 9:10
3 | 9:32
4 | 9:44
5 | 9:17
6 | 9:58
6.0 miles | 56:43 | 9:27min/mi
0.8 mile walking CD

Leg extensions: 3 x 12 @ 60/55/55 lbs
Leg press: 3 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Calf press: 3 x 12 @ 50 lbs
Hamstring curls: 3 x 12 @ 50 lbs
Hip adductors: 3 x 10 @ 130 lbs
Hip abductors: 3 x 10 @ 130 lbs
Walking lunges: 3 x 20/leg @ 20 lbs
Crunches on ball: 3 x 15
Side bends: 3 x 10/side @ 22.5 lbs
Chest flyes: 3 x 10 @ 25 lbs
Bicep curls: 3 x 10/10/8 @ 17.5lbs
Hyperextensions: 3 x 10 @ 100 lbs

Thursday, June 15, 2006

1 | 9:24
2 | 9:48
3 | 9:23
3.0 miles | 28:34 | 9:31min/mi

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My legs were feeling a little heavy from the workout last night. It's going to be a long day.

3.0 miles | 28:43 | 9:34min/mi (6.3mph)
0.13 mi walking CD | 2:21

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Day one.

Okay, so yesterday was technically day 1 but it was a rest day, so I will count today as day 1 of marathon training.

It was also day 1 of the running group's summer session! We started off with a full body stretch. It was great, we did a warm up of... not sure what you call it. We ran in pairs at an easy jog and the people from the back sprinted to the front, then the second last people sprinted to the front, etc etc. We also did 30 second intervals of high knees, skips, side strides, running backwards, butt kicks, lunges, and gallops with 30 seconds light jog rest inbetween. After that, we took a short break and those who wanted to did three 30 second hard intervals/30 seconds easy rest. So I did that, naturally. It was raining and warm. Very refreshing.

My sister and I ran for a bit after the group had finished for a total of 3 miles altogether. It was supposed to be 3 easy today, according to Hal's program, but I think this was still okay.

3.0 miles | 29:02 | 9:40min/mi (6.2mph)
0.24 mi walking CD | 4:01

I am getting up early tomorrow to run before work, and then working both of my jobs (12 hour day at least.. blah). My day job tomorrow involved driving 1.5 hours to a school and wearing a mascot costume. Why did I ever say I wanted to be a dietitian? haha j/k

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Back from a weekend conference that was excellent!

Thursday, June 8th - 4 miles + weights
Friday, June 9th - 6.25 miles
Today - 45 minutes cross trainer + weights

My hip and knees are feeling good. I am ready to begin this marathon training. I feel good, and I feel able to accomplish this.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

So, I am officially registered to run the Toronto Marathon on October 15th, 2006.

I have been thinking about running a marathon for a while now, and now that I am dealing with this break up stuff, I need something to be able to work towards, occupy my time, and look forward to. Originally, I had thought of doing the PEI Marathon but then decided that the Toronto would be more motivating since I have never been to TO, and at that point I will not have seen Gill for like 6 months (holy crap, Gill!). Annnnd they have pretty finisher medals.

So, I am going to follow Hal Higdon's novice marathon training plan. I posted on his message boards this morning about a minor hip problem I have been having and he suggested taking 3 days off completely, and then running less miles for a couple of weeks. I am to begin the training plan on Monday, so I am taking a few days off right now. He said this was okay since I was already running more miles than I will be in the first few weeks of training. I can't believe I got advice from Hal, that is so cool! I love the internet.

I also need to be more consistent with weight training to prevent injuries.

Oh, and I bought some new shoes. I'm hoping that by replacing my shoes this stupid achey hip business will stop. It's not terriblely painful, just a dull ache that I am aware of. It no doubt has something to do with my "bad" knee so I need to quit procrasinating and make an appointment to get some orthodics.

But anyways.

This is now a marathon training journal. :D

Thursday, June 01, 2006

1 | 9:17
2 | 9:19
3 | 9:07
4 | 9:10
0.51 | 8:59
4.51 miles | 41:29 | 9:12min/mi (6.5mph)
0.31 mi walking CD | 5:06 | 3.7mph