Friday, December 19, 2008

One year!!

Ahhh I can't believe it!! Today was the one year anniversary since my ACL reconstruction. I savoured it during my workout today. I took the timd to consciously think about my knee and how awesome it felt. No pain at all. Strong. Things have really come full circle. I was at the gym around lunch time, and it was about that time a year ago that I woke up from surgery. I thought about my first physio appointment and how I could only bend my knee 30 degrees. I thought about how I was back in the gym at 5 weeks post-op, doing 10 minutes with no resistance on the spin bike and lifting upper body- whatever I could do so long as I was "working out". I thought about my first "run" on the treadmill at physio, 8 weeks post-op. One of the other patients had told me that I "ran funny". At best it was a hurried limp. But I kept at it; every second day (at 6am before class non the less) for one minute longer each time. Then, at 10 months post-op, I smashed my half marathon PR. Now, a year later, I'm enjoying being able to squat, crouch, bend, pivot, and RUN without pain. I'm planning my first marathon. I am thrilled. It is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.

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