Monday, December 29, 2008

I went to the gym planning to do legs + 6 miles on the treadmill but they were all taken and it was gorgeous outside so I hit the roads!

5 min w/u spin bike

Walking lunges: 2 x 10/leg @ 20 lbs (IT band hurt while doing these)
Standing hamstring curls: 3 x 15/leg @ 20 lbs surgery leg, 15 lbs other leg (these also hurt my IT band)
Leg extensions: 1 x 10/leg @ 10 lbs (also hurt- not a good ITB day!)
Hip adductors: 3 x 20 @ 90 lbs
Calf raises: 3 x 20 @ 45 lbs

Torso twists: 2 x 15 @ 70 lbs

Polar HR Totals: 261 kcals burned (55% from fat); MHR 161 AHR 110

6 miles outside
1 | 10:19
2 | 10:46
3 | 10:12
4 | 11:53
5 | 10:57
6 | 10:34
6.27 miles | 1:07:43
0.23 mi walking c/d

Polar HR Totals: 851 kcals burned (35% from fat); MHR 183 AHR 150

Sunday, December 28, 2008

20 minutes "Yoga for Runners"

5 min w/u spin bike

Crunches on stab ball: 3 x 20
Bicycle crunches: 2 x 20
Reverse crunches: 2 x 10

Dumbell curls: 3 x 15 @ 12.5 lbs
Skull crushers: 3 x 15 @ 15 lbs
Lat pull downs: 3 x 15 @ 50 lbs

45 minutes Arc Trainer, hill intervals, level 7

Kcals burned: 672 (45% from fat); HR Max 163 (83% max), Avg 135 (69% max)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Weekly Summary

* Ran 25.6 miles
* Burned 3,927 calories
* No strength training days
* No cross-training days

I did not meet all of my goals this week due to two unforeseen rest days (1 storm day + 1 bitterly cold day inwhich the gym was also closed) but overall considering it was Christmas, I think I did well. I am happy to have gotten the running in. I will workout tomorrow which normally would be a rest day to try and make up for this.

But baby it's cold outside

Today's run was done in -6 degrees celsius weather which felt like -12 with the windchill (15km/hr winds). I almost quit after the first mile because my hands started to freeze again (my Lululemon winter running gloves aren't cutting it!) but they warmed up, thankfully.

Lap times are slow because I didn't stop my watch at stop lights or when I walked across icey patches on the sidewalks. Once I warmed up I really enjoyed this run. It turned dark after the 4th mile and it was nice to run by the Christmas lights on one of my favourite running routes. Running through the water front felt like running on tundra! Overall, great run.

1 | 10:22
2 | 10:58
3 | 11:19
4 | 10:54
5 | 10:57
6 | 12:50
7 | 11:58
7.6 miles | 1:24:10
0.5 mi walking c/d | 9:14:27

Polar HRM Totals: 1056 calories (30% from fat); HR Max 175 (89% max), Avg 150 (76% max)

December 26th:
I bundled up and tried to run but needed the reminder that running will not happen for me when it is colder than -15 celsius outside. Today it was -19 with the windchill. I did not get far. :) Half a mile out and back before my hands froze!

1 | 9:39
1 mile | 9:39

Polar HRM Totals: 124 calories (45% from fat); HR Max 179 (91% max), Avg 142 (72% max)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

5 miles outside + c/d

Kcals burned: 664
HR: Max 184 (93% max), Avg 154 (78% max)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The gym was really busy today with everyone trying to squeeze in a workout because the facility is closed Christmas day and Boxing day. I am hoping the weather is decent so that I can get my runs in outdoors over the next couple of days! I have been dying to use the new outdoor gear I bought from MEC.

13 minute w/u spin bike [waiting for a treadmill!]
6 mile run on the treadmill [first 3 miles @ .5% incline; some sprints] + .15 mi c/d [~70 minutes total]

Hip Adduction machine: 3 x 20 @ 90/90/70 lbs

My IT band has been fine all break. Thank goodness for ice, ibuprofen, stretching, and the hip adductor machine haha.

Kcals burned: 1066 (20% from fat)
HR: Max 189 (96% max), Avg 160 (80% max)
Monday was an unplanned rest day due to a major winter storm that hit and closed down everything- including the gym!


70 minutes treadmill (6.0 mile run [first 3 miles at 0.5% incline] + 0.4 mi c/d)

Bosu squats w/ 6 lb med ball: 3 x 10
Stability ball passes: 2 x 8

Kcals burned: 1117 (35% from fat)
HR: Max 193 (98% max), Avg 147 (75% max)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What a kick ass week!

* Logged 24.4 miles of running
* 2 solid cross-training days (1 spin, 1 arc trainer)
* 4 days of strength training

This week I want to hit 25 miles of running, 3 full body lifting days, and 2 days of cross.

Also, adding to my goals for 2009:

* Run 1,000 miles this year!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Just cardio today.

65 minutes treadmill (5.8 miles)

Kcals burned: 867
HR: Max 193, Avg --

Friday, December 19, 2008

One year!!

Ahhh I can't believe it!! Today was the one year anniversary since my ACL reconstruction. I savoured it during my workout today. I took the timd to consciously think about my knee and how awesome it felt. No pain at all. Strong. Things have really come full circle. I was at the gym around lunch time, and it was about that time a year ago that I woke up from surgery. I thought about my first physio appointment and how I could only bend my knee 30 degrees. I thought about how I was back in the gym at 5 weeks post-op, doing 10 minutes with no resistance on the spin bike and lifting upper body- whatever I could do so long as I was "working out". I thought about my first "run" on the treadmill at physio, 8 weeks post-op. One of the other patients had told me that I "ran funny". At best it was a hurried limp. But I kept at it; every second day (at 6am before class non the less) for one minute longer each time. Then, at 10 months post-op, I smashed my half marathon PR. Now, a year later, I'm enjoying being able to squat, crouch, bend, pivot, and RUN without pain. I'm planning my first marathon. I am thrilled. It is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.
5 mins w/u on spin bike

Walking lunges: 3 x 10/leg @ 20 lbs
Incline db chest press: 3 x 10 @ 25 lbs
Seated incline db curl: 3 x 10 @ 25 lbs
Lying overhead tricep press (bar): 2 x 10 @ 20 lbs (hard!)
Lat pull downs: 3 x 10 @ 55/55/40 lbs
Shoulder press on the ball: 3 x 10 @ 20 lbs
Bicycle crunches: 3 x 25
Hip Adductors: 2 x 20 @ 90 lbs

45 minutes Cybex Arc Trainer, hill intervals, level 7
10 minutes Stair Master, levels 6-8

Kcals burned: 810 (40% from fat)
HR: Max 178 (90% max), Avg 132 (67% max)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

5 minutes w/u spin bike

I was going to do legs today but they had just cleaned the floor and I did not want to risk any type of knee damage so I did some squats and ran a bit longer instead.

Squats w/ med ball: 3 x 10 @ 6 lbs

65 minutes treadmill (5.5 mi run + c/d)

Kcals burned: 930

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fitness Goals for 2009

This has been an incredible year for me fitness wise. It was the first year since 2004 (when I injured my knee) that I have been able to run pain free. I owe much of my sanity to my amazing physiotherapist and surgeon. These people fixed me and gave me quality of life back.

This year I ran a PR half marathon, a 10k, and a 5k in addition to many training runs. Physique wise, I'm at a weight that is normal for me but I would like to lose 5-10lbs. I have hovered around 152 lbs for the past 5 years. I don't want to weigh in the 150's anymore. My body looks better in the 140's so I'm going to go there and stay there. Knowing my body, the first five pounds I could get rid of relatively easy by running 20-25 miles a week and avoiding fast food, junk, and alcohol. The challenge will be the other 5. That will require scruitinizing my diet in addition to running like a mad woman. I'm ready to do it. Here is my plan of action (which I have already started! Why put off for tomorrow what can be done today?):

* Burn 5,000 calories/week
- Run at least 3 days a week
- Spin at least 1 day a week
- Walk instead of taking the bus as much as possible
* Prevent injury, promote strength, soothe stress
- Go to a strength class at the gym at least 1 x week
- Strengthen adductors at least 3 x week to prevent return of ITBS!
- Do IT band stretches whenever I run
- Try a hot yoga class
* Eliminate binge drinking (this is huge for me; I am very vulnerable to peer pressure and that is the ONLY reason I binge drink. I'm done.)
* In furtherance to that, limit alcohol at social events (i.e. law firm functions) to one glass of red with dinner.
* Monitor caloric intake
- Knowledge is power. Food diary. Every day. Not just when I fall off the wagon.
* Take measurements on the first of every month
- I used to be good with this but not as of late. Need to get back at it!
* Keep this blog updates
- I enjoy reading my own archives to analyse progress.
* Run a sub-60 minute 10k in 2009
* Run a sub-55 minute (!!) 10k in 2009
* Run the Freeze Your Gizzard Half Marathon in February 2009
* Run the Bluenose Half Marathon in May 2009
* Run the Prince Edward Island Marathon in October 2009
- I have run the half marathon twice now, and will have run two other halfs by this time. I'm ready.

I am very grateful for my current state of health and ready to push my body to new limits this coming year!
So yesterday I managed to break my baby toe (before the gym!). I stubbed it on my mother's hope chest and heard it make a big crack. I took my sock off later because it was hurting and day and low and behold I had a nice black toe! This frustrates my fitness plans but I think I can still manage. I can definitely spin, and I ran 5k yesterday without hurting myself.

Today I thought I should take a day off running (I have ran the past 4 days in a row) and do some lighter cardio. I did this spinning workout.

Kcals burned: 638 (40% from fat)
Time: 60 mins
HR: Max 180 (91% max), Avg 137 (70% max)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

5 minute warm-up on the spink bike (going from gears 5-9)

Overhead press on the stability ball: 3 x 10 @ 10 lbs
Lat raises: 3 x 10 @ 10 lbs

Bicycles: 2 x 24
Crunches on stability ball: 2 x 15

40 minutes treadmill (3.1 mi run with a couple hills and sprints because I was bored + c/d)
10 minutes Arc Trainer, hill intervals, level 7

Time: 82 mins
Kcals: 782 (45% from fat)
HR: Max 188 (95% max), Avg 151 (77% max)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Warm-up: 5 mins on the spin bike (going up a gear per minute)

Barbell curls: 3 x 10 @ 30 lbs
Concentration curls: 3 x 10/arm @ 10 lbs

Cable push-downs: 3 x 10 @ 20 lbs
Skull crushers: 3 x 10 @ 15/12.5/12.5 lbs
Kickbacks: 2 x 10 @ 7.5 lbs

60 minutes treadmill (5 mile run + c/d)

Kcals burned: 1003

Sunday, December 14, 2008

5 minutes warm-up on the spin bike (going up a gear each minute)

Lat pull-downs: 3 x 10 @ 55 lbs
Seated cable rows: 3 x 15/10/10 @ 25/40/40 lbs
Bent over row: 3 x 10 @ 20/30/25 lbs

Incline dumbell press: 3 x 10 w/ 12.5lbs dbs
Flyes on stability ball: 3 x 10 w/ 10lb dbs

Cardio: 5 mile treadmill run (55 minutes) + cooldown

Time: 90ish minutes
Kcals burned: 912 (35% from fat)
MHR 189 (96% max), AHR 139 (71% max)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

30 mins Cybex hill intervals, level 6
25 mins treadmill (15 running, 10 walking)

Bosu squats w/ 6 lb med ball: 3 x 15
SS with:
pushups on inverted bosu: 1 x 5 full push-ups, 2 x 10 girly push-ups

Walking lunges: 2 x 10/leg @ 20 lbs

Standing hamstring curls: 2 x 10/leg @ 25 lbs

Leg extensions: 3 x 10/leg @ 30 lbs

Hip adductors: 2 x 20 @ 90 lbs

Torso twists: 2 x 15/side @ 30/50 lbs

Stability ball passes: 2 x 10


Time: 1:40:29
Kcals: 938 (40% from fat)
MHR 188 (95% max), AHR 149 (76% max)