Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Time trial #2

As part of our 10 week running group, a time trial was held half way through the program on April 5th. My time for that trial was 31:45 (9:18min/mi). This evening a second time trial was held to sort of measure any progress we've made in the second half of the program. I bet my previous time by 1:50, woo! Nice to see the hard work paying off. Hopefully I will have some of the same kick for the 5k race this Saturday. I would really like to run 8:45min/mi average pace for that.

Beautiful day, again. 15 degrees celsius, winds NE 13km/hr. This was out last running group run until later in May (possiblely).

3.39 miles 29:55 8:49min/mi (6.8mph)

Dumbell upright rows: 3 x 10 @ 35 lbs
Dumbell shoulder press: 3 x 10 @ 25 lbs
Concentration curls: 3 x 10/arm @ 12.5 lbs
Dumbell flyes: 3 x 10 @ 20 lbs
Lunges: 2 x 20/leg @ 20 lbs
Tricep pushdowns (lever): 3 x 10 @ 75 lbs
Side bends: 3 x 12/side @ 22.5 lbs
Crunches on ball: 3 x 10
Sit ups on incline: 1 x 6 (side,front,side)

Total miles ran for April: 88.25

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