Tuesday, December 29, 2009

On my rest day I'd like to leave you with a quote by Matt Hoover, Season 2 Biggest Loser Winner, from the "Biggest Loser: Where Are They Now?" episode that I watched last night. He completed the Kona Ironman in October of this year, and while he missed the official cut off time by 3 minutes, his experience is incredibly inspiring.

"I look back over that race and it changed me; It made me realize that it's not about how much you weigh and it's not about what you've done in your past; it's about what you're doing. Our bodies they're amazing. I shouldn't have been able to do what I did that day but my body kept going. There's something about pushing yourself beyond your limits that people need to do once in their life. They need to take the chance one time and see what they really can do. And once you do it you're never the same."

Amen Matt! Thanks for the motivation!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Great day for a run- 6 degrees and sunny.

1 | 5:51
2 | 5:57
3 | 5:59
4 | 6:08
5 | 5:53
6 | 5:55
7 | 5:58
8 | 5:59
8.0 km | 47:39 | 5:57min/km

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Today I changed things up and hit the POOL! Yeah, it's been a while. Amazingly I can still swim! I did a 1500m workout that looked like this (as far as I can remember ha) which took ~50 minutes.

100m w/u free
2 x 100m pull
100m kick
100m free
2 x 100m pull
100m kick
200m free
100m pull
100m free
100m kick
200m free

The swim felt good after a week of running! Being at home in PEI, apart from my Kurt Kenetic at Mark's house, has been a good opportunity for me to work on my two "weaknesses". I am excited to finally be adding some SPEED and HILLS to my running!! :) I have not been able to do this (without aggravating by ITB) since my ACL reconstructive surgery in December 2007. I am so excited for the 2010 race season and I don't even know what races I'm doing yet! Of course we will do the races in the maritimes but we are also planning a few destination races. Racing a Half Ironman in Hawaii sounds like a good way to celebrate my graduation from law school. ;)

Exciting things ahead!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

1km w/u + 4k tempo @ 5:00min/km + 1km c/d

1 | 5:56
2 | 4:51
3 | 5:00 + [30 seconds rest]
4 | 4:56 + [40 seconds rest]
5 | 4:57
6 | 6:27
6.0km | 33:19 | 5:26min/km

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas! :)

Today my sister and I went for a Christmas morning run through Charlottetown. It was a beautiful morning and we ran by many other people out enjoying the crisp air and light snowfall.

I ran in the Saucony Arctic LX tights mom gave me for Christmas and I am loving them. I don't have many outdoor winter running tights since I usually chicken out in winter and resort to the treadmill. Not this year! I cancelled my gym membership and I'm going to brave the elements!

12km just a smidge too fast (I aim for 6:04min/km which is my aerobic pace from Daniel's Running Formula):

1 | 5:58
2 | 5:57
3 | 6:03
4 | 6:01
5 | 5:57
6 | 5:58
7 | 6:02
8 | 6:03
9 | 6:04
10| 6:05
11| 6:13
12| 6:03
12.0km | 1:12:33 | 6:02min/km
Hm. I had written a long winded post on my distaste of Apple's 3rd generation iPod and how I had to return mine because it ceases to function when sweat comes into contact with the headphone control (what's the point?) and how last night I discovered a new gem: the Sandisk Clip which is tiny and black and cute and has a SCREEN and then our new puppy, Sophie, caused a ruckus, my laptop dropped, the screen of death appeared, and foreign noises were emanating from my computer. It was dramatic. I lost my post. But the Dell Inspiron Gods must be wishing me a Merry Christmas becaused I rebooted and everything is seemingly fine. :)

Love it!! At $49.99 (Future Shop) for the 2GB there really is no comparison. I took it for a cruise on my run this afternoon and it worked like a charm. Extremely light weight and easy to control while running!

1 | 5:46
2 | 5:43
3 | 5:46
4 | 5:39
5 | 5:57
6 | 5:54
6.0km | 34:43 | 5:47min/km
I saw this quote and it grounded me. I sometimes get caught up in the competition and lose sight of the real competition- the one against myself.

"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell."


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

10k at home in PEI! 2km w/u + 6 x 400m intervals w/ 600m rest + 2km c/d. (~60 min)

Yesterday: does shopping count?
Sunday: 75 min Spinervals core conditioning DVD
Saturday: Carmichael Training System Interval Workout w/ Mark (60 min)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hm, not much to add here. A few rides here & there, some hills w/ Mark last week. Exams are finished on Friday which means life will go back to normal. Then it's time to plan the 2010 race season! :)

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

8km in ~48mins

Monday, November 30, 2009

A weekend full of workouts...

Friday: 90 mins Spinervals 5.0 Mental Toughness (he gets you off the bike to do two 90 second isometic squats in the middle of the video - yeowch!)
Saturday: Yasso 800's w/ Mark (1km w/u + 4 x 800m repeats @ 3:40 w/ 200m rest + 1km c/d) for a total of 6km ~35mins but TOUGH!
Sunday: 35 min w/u on the trainer (Spinervals Time Saver Tempo Workout) + 8km run @ 6:04min/km (~48 min)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday: 30 minutes Spinervals (Time Saver - Sprints) + 8km run (48 min - 6:04min/km)

Wed: OFF

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Running off some pre-presentation nerves!

1 | 6:01
2 | 5:59
3 | 6:13
4 | 6:33
5 | 5:26
6 | 6:03
6.0km | 36:15 | 6:03min/km

Monday, November 23, 2009

Spinervals time saver workout (technique) + 15 min run
Saturday: Spinervals 20.0 Sprinting Machine
Sunday: Spinervals 11.0 Big Gear Strength

Legs = sore!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Urghhh so much for not getting sick! Cough, fever, sore throat, I have an assortment of ailments. Overall not too bad really but the sore throat from the coughing is killer.

Headed out to Mark's for some quality time with my bike trainer...

Did Spinervals 24.0 Hillacious inspired by Mark's modest 2:21 ride (FYI, that's 90km of cycling at 38km/hr) at the Clearwater race on Saturday. Admittedly I did not push myself like I do when he's on his trainer next to me but I'm sick and his vacation is my vacation in that sense. :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My most favourite playlist this year:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A swim & some sauna time tonight while breaking from the library. I woke up with a bit of a cough today. I really hope it goes away because right now, 3 weeks out from finals and days away from finishing my major paper, I cannot afford to get sick. I think I have been reading too much about the flu for my major paper and my body has just convinced itself that I have it. Cough be gone!

At the pool I did 10 x 100m untimed/no HRM. Felt good.

Friday, November 13, 2009

1 | 6:05
2 | 6:00
3 | 6:06
4 | 6:03
5 | 6:16
6 | 6:07
6.05km | 36:55 | 6:06min/km

Thursday, November 12, 2009


THANK YOU mother nature for a wonderful criSp (forgot the "s" yesterday for you observant types ;)) sunny morning again today. Perfect running weather- cool but not cold, pretty coloured autumn leaves, and sunshine! I was smiling at people my whole run who likely thought I was on drugs. :)

1 | 5:53 (will I ever be able to pace my first km correctly? haha)
2 | 6:06
3 | 5:51
4 | 6:07
5 | 6:11
6 | 6:12
7 | 6:15
8 | 6:00
8.0km | 48:34 | 6:04min/km

HRM Stats
517 kcals burned (30% from fat)
MHR 182
AHR 164 (I think this is wrong b/c it said my HR was 180 for he first 5 mins or so of the run which is incorrect)

As an aside, I have NO idea what is up with my appetite. Maybe it's gone since I am not doing very long runs? I normally eat like a champion but I just have had zero interest in food for the past couple of weeks and have felt nauseated often. I have lost a bit of weight, which on top of the weight I had already lost, my clothes have gotten to the ugly baggy stage. Not just the "loose" stage but the "need more than a belt" stage. I'm not complaining but really, I love food and I want to be hungry! I've still been eating lots (um, a whole pineapple since last night) but my body has decided to shed itself. I have ONE pair of jeans that I can wear right now and its because they're the stretchy kind so they at least sort of stick to my legs. I just realized I've lost 15-20 lbs since this time last year. Wow, that's significant. Oh well, guess I'll have to make a few additions to the wardrobe. ;)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nice day for a run- crip temperate, sunny, lots of runners out taking advantage of the holiday.

1 | 5:54
2 | 6:07
3 | 6:03
4 | 6:01
5 | 6:04
6 | 6:03
7 | 6:16
8 | 6:05
8.05km | 48:49 | 6:04min/km

My man left for Flordia this a.m. for the Clearwater Half Ironman World Championships!!! So proud but jealous I am not gone too- stupid law school.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Such a great day for a run!! My head is clear and I'm ready to keep writing about interpreting international IP law treaties. Whoop!

1 | 5:48
2 | 5:43
3 | 5:54
4 | 5:30
5 | 6:00
6 | 6:06
7 | 6:03
8 | 6:24
9 | 6:08
9.5km | 56:43 | 5:58min/km
Friday: off
Saturday: 5k run (28 ish minutes) w/ sister
Sunday: 65 min Spinervals 24.0 w/ Mark + 30 min run @ 5:30min/km

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Wed: off


30 minutes of "Workout A" from Spinervals 23.0 w/ Mark.

A light workout since we are both not feeling well. Yuck!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

30 minutes treadmill run

+ about 6km walking to/from school and gym

Monday, November 02, 2009


50 mins on the trainer (warm up + 3 x 5 min intervals and 2 x 2.5 min intervals [all with rest] + 5 min c/d)

Some lunges, step-ups, etc.
This weekend = lots of indoor cycling thanks to the best boyfriend in the world who got me an indoor cycling trainer for my birthday. :) He's going to have a hard time peeling me off it, I love it so much!

Saturday we did Spinervals 27.0 Threshold Test & Sufferfest [60 min]

Sunday I (Mark did the w/u with me) did Spinervals Time Trialapalooza and tacked on an extra 10 minutes at the end while waiting for Mark to get back from his run. [95 min total]

AND because I was also listening to my favorite jamz on my new iPod shuffle which was a birthday present to myself. ;)

Love love loveeeee!!

Photo courtesy of Apple.com

Friday, October 30, 2009

This morning was some strength training with JM. I did the "No More Trouble Zones" workout. I'm just going to call it NMTZ from now on because I hate the name, it's so wussy. I've been inspired to get back into using her DVDs now that the Biggest Loser season 8 is on TV. I want her job SO bad!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

60 minutes running

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday: 46km ride (first 23km with Mark which were beautiful and then an exhausting head wind the whole ride back home) @ 26.0km/hr (first half 30km/hr!)

Today: 6km ride (too freaking cold, turned around and went back to Mark's)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Saturday: 1/2 hour yoga

Sunday: 14km run

Finally feeling better after a week of aching muscles and joints.

Friday, October 23, 2009

1 | 5:56
2 | 6:05
3 | 6:26
4 | 6:22
5 | 6:14
5.0km | 31:04 | 6:13min/km

Polar HRM stats:
340kcals burned (25% from fat)
MHR 182 (93% max)
AHR 167 (85% max)

This run was rough and not sure why. I am aching everywhere from doing JM yesterday, that could be it. I hope I'm just not recovered from last weekend and not getting a flu or something!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jillian Michaels' "No More Trouble Zones"

Fluffy name, solid workout.

Just finished doing this DVD for the first time since May. It kicked my ass! I'm going to throw it into my winter mix 2-3 times a week. This is a good way to start back into strength training (I have not touched a weight since May... oops) since she uses high reps/low weight in a circuit-like fashion. AND it works out your full body but emphasizes core- essential for good running form. Two thumbs up, JM.

PEI Marathon Weekend - ending the season with another PB halfie!

2468 Bria Brown, 247/480 overall, Halifax PE CA, F 24/62 [age group 20-29], 1:59:42 (clock), 1:59:25 (chip), 5:42 (pace per km)

Mission: two half marathons, two weekends in a row accomplished! The weather turned out to be beautiful on Sunday despite another week of miserable rain, wind, and cold. The marathon weekend attracted some 1800 participants this year, a new record, which is fantastic for Charlottetown. Mark and I took the ferry over Friday evening and thankfully the rest of the weekend was smooth sailing relative to that "a la Titanic" fiasco. It was an interesting birthday, to say the least. Mom's curry chicken & carrot cake make up for the traumatizing boat ride.

We took Friday off (got our bikes tuned up in Truro on the way to the ferry) and only did a quick 20 minute run on Saturday. Sunday morning we were able to sleep in a bit (10am race start wha?!), grabbed some lattes at Beanz and headed to the race start. This was my third time running the PEI Half Marathon and unfortunately my sister was not running it this year like she always has in the past. BE trained for the full marathon and developed a stress fracture in her tibia a few weeks ago and therefore could not run the race. She's away for med school so she didn't bother making the flight home, understandably. However Mark (he finished 5th overall! such a speed demon), Mom, Michael, and BE's friend Jenn were running so I had lots of company. It was great to see some familiar faces from my old UPEI running group (we have come a long way!). Uncle Randy & Aunt Donna came to support at the finish line as well.

This was my "A" race (as Mark calls it) for this season. When we sketched out my goals back in April, originally this one was supposed to be a sub 1:50 but I had a lot more work to do on my surgery leg this season than we first anticipated. May was a month of strength & plyometrics, a crappy 10k race, and a lot of frustration. Things started to come around in June when I ran a PB 10k and built up some aerobic base. Finally, through July and August I was seeing some real progress especially with the addition of cycling and swimming to my regime. My runs became longer through Aug/Sept and I decided a realistic goal for PEI would be sub 2 hours. Next year is going to be my year, I needed this season to really get into shape again after my ITB problems last winter.

The race itself was interesting because I left my Garmin in Halifax and had to rely completely on the 2:00 half pace bunny (she did a great job, thanks Pam!). That's exactly what I did. My gait was off after about 16km, as kindly noted by a fellow runner passing by. That's what I get for asking my body to run two half marathons so close together I suppose. I wasn't hurting though, just tired. I wasn't feeling so hot after finishing the three infamous hills all towards the last 5k of the course but Mark ran out to meet me at about 400m remaining and ran with me into the finish. I finished right on goal but naturally I think I could have done better if I hadn't of ran the race the weekend before. Ah well! I was stoked to end the season with a PB and am looking forward to next summer (full marathon? Half Ironman? ;)). I really can't complain about beating last year's time by 12.5 minutes, and I look forward to demolishing that time next year.

Now it's time to plan a winter of strength training and endurance building!
SO far this week, doing well taking a rest...

MON - off
TUES - off
WED - 30k recovery ride w/ Mark

Monday, October 12, 2009

2009 Valley Harvest Half Marathon

New half marathon PR! By 11.5 minutes at that!

1 | 5:37
2 | 5:52
3 | 5:54
4 | 5:52
5 | 5:48
6 | 5:52
7 | 5:56
8 | 5:54
9 | 5:43
10| 5:59
11| 5:43
12| 5:34
13| 5:39
14| 6:00
15| 5:30
16| 5:20
17| 5:30
18| 5:52
19| 5:36
20| 5:35
21| 5:25
21.08km | 2:00:36 | 5:43min/km (a la Garmin)Chip time: 2:00:39 | 5:45min/km | 33/77 females 20-29

I'm running the PEI half marathon next weekend so I wasn't sure how to run this but I decided to go by feel. I could have killed myself to get a 1:50-something but I was happy to PR on a hilly course and save some stamina for next weekend!

Friday, October 09, 2009


1 | 5:49
2 | 6:11
3 | 6:11
4 | 6:08
5 | 5:12
6 | 6:44
7 | 5:57
8 | 6:28
9 | 5:57
9.0km | 54:37 | 6:04min/km

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Wed: 45 min swim w/ Mark

150m free
150m w/ pull buoy
200m kick

Main set
150m easy pace (2:05)
100m harder (1:55)
50m "fast" (00:50)

200m kick

Total: 1000m

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

1 | 6:00
2 | 5:51
3 | 5:51
4 | 6:17
5 | 5:57
6 | 6:11
7 | 6:08
8 | 5:49
8.0km | 48:37 | 6:01min/km

Monday, October 05, 2009


2 hour long run @ 6:10min/km (19.5km)
1163 kcals burned (35% from fat)
MHR 194 (98% max)
AHR 162 (82% max)

Saturday, October 03, 2009

5.0km interval run (10 min w/u, then 200m easy/200m hard for 10 min and 10 min c/d) w/ Mark


83.0km bike ride w/ Mark


Nothing. Recovering!

Thursday, October 01, 2009


Low-Fat Blueberry Bran Muffins

1 1/2 cups wheat bran
1 cup skim milk
1/2 cup applesauce
1 egg
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup blueberries (coated in 1 T. flour)

1. Preheat oven to 375C. Grease a muffin tin or use liners. Mix the bran & milk together and let sit while you combine the other ingredients.
2. In a large bowl, mix the applesauce, egg, brown sugar, and vanilla. Beat in the bran mixture. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, and salt. Stir into bran mixture until just blended. Fold in the flour-coated blueberries.
3. Bake in preheated oven for 15-20 mins [mine took 20] or until tops spring back when lightly touched.

These are a delicious and healthy snack or breakfast on the go! :) ~100 calories/muffin.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

500m swim

Got kicked out of my lane b/c there was swimming lessons!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

10k w/ Mark @ 6:00min/km - 59:59

Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekend fun w/ Mark :)

5.0km Recovery Run | 33:15

HRM Stats
309kcals burned (40% from fat)
MHR 167 (85% max)
AHR 153 (78% max)

50.02km Bike | 1:46:43 | 28.1km/hr

HRM Stats
1011kcals burned (45% from fat)
MHR 181 (92% max)
AHR 135 (71% max)

16km Long Run w/ 5km @ race pace

1 | 6:09
2 | 6:17
3 | 5:55
4 | 6:07
5 | 6:08
6 | 6:15
7 | 6:08
8 | 6:09
9 | 5:23
10| 5:17
11| 5:16
12| 5:26
13| 5:27
14| 6:18
15| 6:17
16| 6:13
16.0km | 1:34:48 | 5:55min/km

HRM Stats
1016kcals burned (30% from fat)
MHR 183 (93% max)
AHR 166 (84% max)

Friday, September 25, 2009

5k Recovery Run
309kcals burned (40% from fat)
MHR 167 (85% max)
AHR 153 (78% max)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

1 | 6:02
2 | 6:12
3 | 6:02
4 | 5:57
5 | 6:06
6 | 6:09
7 | 6:08
8 | 6:05
9 | 6:16
10| 6:13
10.0km | 1:01:16 | 6:08min/km

HRM stats:
637kcals burned (30% from fat)
MHR 183 (93% max)
AHR 164 (83% max)

Post-run fuel: 250ml skim milk

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

12K General Aerobic & Speed (12K w/ 6 x 100m strides)

1 | 6:07 [stoplight]
2 | 5:54
3 | 6:06
4 | 6:09
5 | 6:53 [really long stop at stoplight. >2 mins, ran fast
6 | 5:47 [making up for lost time]
7 | 6:00
8 | 5:42 [strides at SMU track]
9 | 6:17
10| 6:07
11| 6:29
12| 6:06
12.0km | 1:13:39 | 6:08min/km

HRM Stats:
752kcals burned (25% from fat)
MHR 177 (90% max)
AHR 163 (83% max)

Run fuel: nadda - ate bfast prior to running
Post-run fuel: 250ml skim milk

Monday, September 21, 2009

Recovery Swim

12 x 100m freestyle

Each 100m was about 2:15-2:30min w/ 30 seconds rest in between.

Feeling great after yesterday's run. No soreness, should be ready to run again tomorrow.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

18km Long Run!

1 | 6:09
2 | 6:08
3 | 6:04
4 | 6:20 [traffic light]
5 | 6:46 [again]
6 | 6:45 [again.. frustrating!]
7 | 6:17
8 | 6:47
9 | 6:13
10| 5:58
11| 6:18
12| 6:12
13| 6:17
14| 6:05
15| 6:38 [dodging people on busy street]
16| 6:05
17| 6:29 [traffic light]
18| 8:07 [worst side stitch of LIFE!]
18.0km | 1:55:31 | 6:25min/km

This is my first long run this summer/fall that felt GOOD. I felt really strong and in control until the last 700m when I got the most painful side stitch that forced me to walk the rest of the run. Traffic lights and side stitch aside, this 18k was 5 minutes faster than my last 18k and felt MUCH better. A recovery week really does one a world of good!

Run fuel: 7 jujubes (170kcal) + 300ml Gatorade/water dillution
Post-run recovery fuel: 250ml skim milk

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Recovery Swim
1 x 100m w/u
1 x 400m pull buoy
1 x 200m kick w/ fins
1 x 100m free
1 x 100m free


Recovery Bike
22km @ 25.8km/hr pace

Beautiful bike ride tonight out Peggy's Cove Road. Nova Scotia is really beautiful out that way with its bays, lakes, and harbours that contrast its yellowing forest and granite rock. Very pretty. There were some cops doing a road check and one of them jokingly told me to slow down when I breezed by them haha.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tuesday: 6.0km recovery run

1 | 6:20
2 | 6:05
3 | 5:45
4 | 5:52
5 | 5:54
6 | 6:26
7 | 6:07
8 | 5:23
9 | 6:04
10| 6:39
10.0km | 1:00:37 | 6:04min/km

Ran from my place to Point Pleasant and back. City running is so annoying- lots of stopping at traffic lights (time is included in my splits). I felt weightless when I ran today.. must be recovered from Sunday's tri. I did my usual steep hill climb in the park and did 400m fast (4:00min/km pace) at the SMU track on the way home.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My First Triathlon: Race Report

I will start off by saying that I FINISHED! Whoop! :) That was my first goal. My second goal was not to hang on to a kayak during the swim (also accomplished) and my third was not to take any walk breaks during the run (check!). It was tough not having Mark there for support (ironically he is currently in Australia at the ITU Triathlon World Championships as an Age Grouper). Some of his tri friends were spectating though and were a great cheer squad for me! I finished 63/113 overall and 7/17 in my age group. I think with a lot of work on the swim this winter I could be a contender in my age group next season.

SWIM (23:06):

Wow, all I can do is laugh! hahaha I was SO nervous this morning that I thought I might get sick. All of my training went out the window when I arrived at the lake. There were 120 participants in the sprint triathlon and they all looked like SWIMMERS to me! Unlike them, I did not have a wetsuit and would instead be sporting my swimsuit with some tri shorts.

My friend Lisa assured me she would hold my hand out there and I likewise assured her that I would stick by her side. Having another novice to race with made the world of difference out on that lake. The men started 5 minutes before us, and the next thing I knew they were counting down the seconds to our start. That first buoy looked so far away. The buoy that Lisa and I would swim to in training (which we too great pride in accomplishing!) was only about half as far out as the first triathlon buoy. We knew it would be tough but the horn blew and we were off. I started near the back, to the side to give myself room. It didn't matter, nothing could have calmed me from the anxiety that would ensue. It is like I completely forgot how to swim. The water was freezing and I couldn't get any good, deep breaths so I did maybe 5-10 strokes freestyle and started side stroking. Hahaha Lisa stopped and we agreed to do 10 breaths of freestyle, then break. I did less than that and ended up side stroking my way to that first buoy. I couldn't feel my feet because of a) the cold or b) all of my stopping and not keeping my body horizontal.

We chatted with other ladies around us who were also side or breaststroking, and eventually I calmed down, noting that boats and kayaks were close by. It wasn't far from the 1st buoy to the 2nd- maybe 150-200m, and I did my best to freestyle to it. Then we headed for home! Again, more side stroke and breaststroke but before I knew it, I was touching bottom!! Yeah!!! Ran out across the timing mat, and up the hill to the transition area!

T1/BIKE (45:29)
Still no feeling in my feet so running over some gravel to get to my bike didn't matter. I put my helmet on first, as bf had suggested, decided not to wear shades because it was cloudy, threw on my socks & shoes and ran for the mount line. I passed quite a few people on the bike which made me feel good. It was a rolling course with lots of hills- tough stuff! I really wanted a sub-40 bike +T1 but I checked the results and didn't feel bad after seeing that only the top 6 finishers achieved that. Overall, I was 28/113 on the bike and 2/17 in my age group (by 7 seconds). Not bad for a first timer! The time flew and before I knew it, I was dismounting and heading for the bike rack.

T2/RUN (30:53)
In T2 I was greeted by some of Mark's friends, which was nice. I grabbed a few sips of water, ditched the helmet for a hat, and the bike shoes for my sneakers. Off I went!

I normally run 5k's in about 25 minutes so my run time was hard to swallow. My boyfriend and I had done some 3k runs off the bike in training and it was easy for me to stay at a 5min/km pace. But this run was not like my training runs! It was through the trail system at the campground where the tri was based out of. The turf was gravel and the running technical- lots of steep inclines and declines, very little flat. I stopped twice to ask volunteers where the timing mat was to start the run because every time I watched my bf do a triathlon, transition time was clocked and there was a mat at the dismount line AND a mat at the beginning of the run. Not the case here, but nobody was able to give me an answer so I just went for it. This stopping probably cost me 30 or so valuable seconds.

I ran along the out and back route, legs feeling wobbly at first, and kept telling myself to take it easy. I would quicken cadence and count my steps going up the hills to take my mind off the difficulty. Grabbed some water at the turnaround, and I knew I had it in the bag with only 2.5k left. It felt good to be passing some of the sprint men who started 5 minutes ahead of me!

The return run was uneventful, other than getting a little lost at a corner where there should have been a volunteer. I'm still not sure if we went the right way but the 5 or so people behind me followed my lead and we ended up at the finish line. :)

TOTAL TIME: 1:39:27!!! I am really happy with that!! I didn't have a specific goal in mind but sub-1:40 sounds good to me!

Friday, September 11, 2009

We conquered the buoy!

Thursday, September 10:


Fourth trip to Lake Charles, again with Lisa. We swam 5 x 3.5 min intervals to different points around the lake including "THE bouy"! Yeah yeahhh! So it ended up that there are some really large rocks by the buoy and we were able to stand up by it! Pretty crazy. If I had've known all along that it would be possible to stand up and take a break at the buoy I probably wouldn't have been so freaked out. We swam the whole way back in to shore from the buoy which only took 5 mins but seemed long. I felt even better after this swim and officially registered for the triathlon today.

We also biked the course so...


20.1km @ 21.5km/hr

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Lake swim with Lisa. My third trip to Lake Charles where the triathlon takes place on Sunday. We tried to swim out to a buoy but waters were choppy. We made it 3/4 of the way then turned and swam to a dock, then back to shore. We then practiced more sighting by swimming to a rock on the other side of the lake, then another rock, and another, and suddenly we were just about at the buoy we were trying to swim to in the first place. We then swam back into shore (maybe 150-200m). I felt much better about swimming in the lake and about sighting after this trip. I think I will swim there again tomorrow and maybe Friday. I started to relax and enjoy myself once we had been in the water for a while. Great to have a swimming buddy at the same level as me!


1 | 5:50
2 | 6:13
3 | 6:22
4 | 6:16
5 | 6:02
6 | 6:44
7 | 6:07
8 | 6:37
9 | 6:23
10| 6:35
10.0km | 1:03:14 | 6:19min/km

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


W/U - 1 x 100m free, 2 x 100m single arm drill
Main Set - 500m
C/D - 1 x 50m kick, 1 x 100m free


20.0km @ 29.7km/hr (40:32)

Monday, September 07, 2009

Short swim at Lake Charles (maybe 10 minutes) practicing sighting.

7km of trails at Shubie campground:

1 | 6:42
2 | 6:03
3 | 6:29
4 | 6:36
5 | 6:24
6 | 7:38 (got lost trying to find my way out of the trails)
7 | 7:01 (same)
7.07km | 47:30 | 6:43min/km

Sunday, September 06, 2009


Today I had a break through pool session! I finally swam 750 meters consecutively! Yeaaahhh!!! I fixed my pull a bit so that I was cupping my hand and pushing the water back with my forearm as well as my hand. That made for much better glide, less strokes, and better breaths. With this minor technique adjustment, freestyle no longer seems so bad.


W/U 1 x 50m + 1 x 100m
100m drill (one arm)
200m freestyle
Main Set - 750m freestyle (19:57)
C/D 50m kick


1 | 6:12
2 | 6:10
3 | 6:10
4 | 6:10
5 | 6:10
6 | 6:15
7 | 6:20
8 | 6:23
9 | 6:32
10| 6:13
11| 6:21
12| 6:19
13| 6:26
14| 6:28
15| 6:14
16| 6:26
16.0km | 1:40:52 | 6:18min/km

Running Log Updates
September 3 - 10km (1:05:59 - 6:31min/km pace)
September 1 - 2.73km (14:59 - 5:30min/km pace) [off the bike]
August 30 - 18.0km (2:01:56 - 6:46min/km pace)
August 28 - 3.0km (15:00 - 5:00min/km pace) [off the bike]
August 27 - 6.12km (38:49 - 6:21min/km pace)
August 25 - 14.0km (1:27:43 - 6:16min/km pace)
August 22 - 4.0km (23:37 - 5:52min/km pace) [w/ Mark in NH]
August 20 - 4.73km (30:00 - 6:20min/km pace) [w/ Mark after 8 hrs in the car driving to Maine]

Biking Log Updates
September 1 - 36km @ 26.8km/hr pace
August 31 - 47km @ 23.6km/hr pace
August 28 - 20km @ 30km/hr pace [time trial]
August 27 - 20.64km @ 25.5km/hr pace
August 26 - 30.32km @ 26.9km/hr pace
August 23 - 16.5km @ 27.0km/hr pace [in NH]
August 22 - 27.0km @ 26km/hr pace [w/ Mark in NH]

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

To triathlon or not to triathlon... is that really a question?

Two open water swims with Mark this week. Today and Monday. I panicked both times. I have no explanation for the anxiety with lakes other than unfamiliarity. Will I look up to see a giant, ugly fish in my face? Will I be unable to complete the swim? Will I choke on a gulp of water? No, no, NO.

I know I can bike. I know I can run. It's the swim that is playing with my head. If anything, I need to follow through just to prove to myself what I'm capable of. 750meters. That is nothing on pavement! 25 minutes in the water, max. I can so do this. I will keep a steady momentum and rythm, and I will do it. Reach, catch, pull, push, recovery, reach, catch, pull, push, recovery, side breath, repeat.

Today's swimming:

13 minutes in the lake (felt like eternity). Maybe 350-400m with lots of stopping. To redeem myself I went to the pool and did...

100m pull buoy w/u
1 x 50m
2 x 100m
2 x 200m
2 x 100m
1 x 50m kick
100m pull buoy c/d

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hotttt run. 38 degrees with the humidex. I think I am acclimatized to the heat though because I didn't mind it until the last few km's when I was thirsty and didn't bring water with me. Body still tired from Sunday's hard 10km; taking tomorrow off.

1 | 6:05
2 | 6:13
3 | 6:13
4 | 6:10
5 | 6:21
6 | 6:16
7 | 6:24
8 | 6:18
9 | 6:32
10| 6:32
11| 6:31
12| 6:16
12.0km | 1:15:50 | 6:19min/km

MHR 179
AHR 165

822 calories burned

+short swim at the beach (maybe 100-200m)

Monday, August 17, 2009

31.32km on the bike | 1:12:33 | 26.5km/hr

MHR 174
AHR 145

634 calories burned

Sunday, August 16, 2009

New 10km PB!

Support Our Troops Navy 10k - Sunday, August 16, 2009

235 2653 Bria Brown Charlottetown PE CA 15/48 F2029 52:42 52:23 5:15 C

Friday, August 14: OFF
Saturday, August 15: OFF

My ITB was hurting a bit at the end of last week so I took 2 days off. Felt great today and pleased with my time (52:23).

MHR 190
AHR 180

665 calories burned

Thursday, August 13, 2009

1 | 6:14
2 | 6:02
3 | 6:26
4 | 6:24
5 | 6:27
6 | 6:26
7 | 6:43
8 | 6:25
9 | 6:36
10| 6:34
11| 6:34
12| 7:24
12.0km | 1:18:15 | 6:31min/km

MHR 173
AHR 159

777 calories burned

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

20.0km | 41:29 | 28.9km/hr
AHR 147 | MHR 174 | 461 calories burned


1 | 5:58
2 | 5:53
3 | 6:08
4 | 6:18
5 | 6:18
6 | 6:27
6.0km | 37:03 | 6:10min/km
AHR 154 | MHR 166 | 354 calories burned

C/D | 10+ min | AHR 83 | 83 calories burned

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1 | 6:10
2 | 6:11
3 | 6:10
4 | 6:16
5 | 6:10
6 | 6:17
7 | 5:46
8 | 5:21
9 | 5:07
10| 4:52
10.0km | 58:19 | 5:50min/km

MHR 186
AHR 166

633 calories burned

13.91km in 35:27

MHR 167
AHR 141

298 calories burned

Monday, August 10, 2009

Easy 17km on the bike before work. Avg speed 24km/hr.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Attempted an open water swim this morning but it just was not going to happen in the "moderate" surf conditions. I knew the girls who were lifeguarding and told them to keep an eye on me while I went out. I splashed around in the waves for a bit, did a laughable amount of front crawl and then headed into shore. I will try again when conditions are more calm. It has been windy the past couple of days on the Island.

After failed attempt at open water swimming, I resorted to my safety blanket sport: running. 12km in 30 degree heat.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

45km bike consisting of w/u, then 20km time trial on my way out to the cottage + c/d and then ~22.5km ride back to the city after being at the cottage all day.

20km time trial took 44:36. Not bad for my second ride ever on this bike and considering there was a headwind and crosswinds the whole time.

Friday, August 07, 2009

9 holes of golf this afternoon.


1 | 6:28
2 | 6:24
3 | 6:27
4 | 6:53
5 | 6:17
6 | 6:43
7 | 6:35
8 | 6:33
9 | 6:38
10| 6:36
10.0km | 1:05:32 | 6:33min/km


500m Warm Up
1 x 100m
1 x 200m kick with fins
1 x 100m catch up [w/ pull buoy]
1 x 100m finger drag [w/ pull buoy]

1050m Main Set
5 x (100m w/ 50m recovery kick with fins)
1 x 200m w/ 100m recovery kick with fins

100m Cool Down
1 x 100m pull buoy

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Back from a one week vacation.

Today: 20km bike (my first ride on my first road bike!) + 5k run

August 5: off - travelling
August 4: 50 min run + 50 min (1000m) swim
August 3: off/30 min hike
August 2: 10km run
August 1: short swim (200-300m)
July 31: 6km run
July 30: 10 minutes stepper + 60 min swim (1200m)
July 29: 5km run

I loooooveee my road bike! I am way less timid than I thought I would be. I quickly mastered the clipless pedals and am making progress with which gears work best with what terrain. My time was slow (55 minutes) but my Garmin died after 10.2km so I may be underestimating how far I went. Oh well, can't wait to go again tomorrow! My legs felt funny when I tried to run right after. 5k in 30 minutes.

Monday, July 27, 2009

600m swim:

1 x 250m
1 x 100m
1 x 100m
1 x 100m
1 x 50m pull buoy

Sunday, July 26, 2009

16km of rolling hills

AHR 161

Friday, July 24, 2009

1200m Swim

1 x 100m single arm w/ fins
1 x 100m single arm no fins
1 x 100m pull buoy
1 x 100m front crawl (????)
1 x 100m front crawl (2:30)
1 x 100m front crawl (2:40)
1 x 100m single arm w/ fins
1 x 200m front crawl (5:34)
1 x 300m front crawl (8:31)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I felt so alive when I ran today. The sun was shining over farmer's fields as I ran by two beautiful horses. A couple of people were mowing their lawns and took time to wave a friendly hello. My new Newtons propelled me forward and while I held back for the first 5k, I just let my body go for the second half and enjoyed the invigorating feeling of picking up speed and feeling great. It was one of those runs where I thought about how far I have come and how grateful I am to be running with two healthy knees. I soared up hills and just took the time to enjoy how strong I felt. Physically and emotionally. Things have come full circle since the heartbroken, defeated person I was last summer after first year law school. I am now so happy, so strong, confident, and in love. Life is really, really good.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

60 min swim

I really need to get better at remembering what I did at the pool or having a structured plan haha. What I can remember:

2 (possibly 3) x 100m front crawl
1 x 200m front crawl
2 x 100m pull buoy
1 x 150m kick wearing fins
1 x 100m single arm and kick

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

90 minutes hot yoga (325 calories, AHR 103, MHR 132)

10km General Aerobic this a.m.

1 | 6:28
2 | 6:28
3 | 6:24
4 | 6:38
5 | 6:44
6 | 6:13
7 | 6:21
8 | 6:27
9 | 6:39
10| 6:38
10.0km | 1:04:58 | 6:30min/km

AHR 165
MHR 181

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monday, July 13:
800m swim (which included 200m straight of full front crawl! yeah!!)

16km long run
AHR 165 (84% max)
MHR 179 (91% max)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Today = 750m swim

A combination of pull bouy, kick, right arm only, left arm only, and full front crawl
Friday July 10:

Lactate Threshold 10K (6:30/km) w/ 4K @ 5:30
AHR 164 (83% max), AHR 183 (93% max)

First "real" run w/ the Newtons. They were awesome going uphill; it actually felt like the helped lift me up the hill. My ACL repaired knee needs to adjust to them but felt fine other than the occasional lateral twinge. Nothing abnormal. Amazingly, no blisters! Today (the next morning) I feel great. No more calf tightness than normal.

Friday, July 10, 2009

They have arrived!

My new Newton trainers, that is!

I took them for a one mile spin last night (my day off) and oh boy, they are sweet. There is comfy cushion on the heal and forefoot, just where its needed for the forefoot running I've been trying to improve lately. I cannot wait to run more in these babies!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Wednesday, July 8: 10km Recovery run (AHR 165) + 80 min hot yoga (268 calories burned)

1 | 6:12
2 | 6:27
3 | 6:37
4 | 6:37
5 | 6:26
6 | 6:26
7 | 6:15
8 | 6:19
9 | 6:36
10| 7:00
10.0km | 1:05:00 | 6:30min/km
AHR = 165 (84% max)
MHR = 181 (92% max)

Tuesday, July 7: 30DSL Level 3 + 8km Recovery run

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

8km recovery

AHR 162
MHR 177

Seeing improvement on my average heart rate! :)

Monday, July 06, 2009

Saturday - 14km Medium-Long Run (6:30min/km average pace) + ~500m swim
Sunday - 10km Recovery (6:30min/km average pace), 168 AHR

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

6km Recovery

AHR 158

Happy Canada Day!

Total miles for June: 85 (137 km) (+7 miles from May)

Goal for July: 100+ miles ;) and a lot more swimming and hopefully biking if I can ever find a road bike!

I also just calculated miles ran year to date and I am at 485. My goal for 2009 is to run 1,000 miles this year. I am on track!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Recovery 8K.
547 calories (30% from fat)
AHR 165 (84% max), MHR 181 (92% max)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Level 2 30DS + 20 minute SWIM! (500 meters/20 laps)

I am not a swimmer. I want to be. Today was an adventure to see where I'm at; clearly far from where I need to be. But it was a start! It was fun too.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

8km recovery

AHR 167

Totals June 22-28: 20 miles running + 3 x 30DS

Saturday, June 27, 2009

AHR 163

6km recovery

Friday, June 26, 2009

8km recovery run- too fast.

567 calories (25% from fat)
AHR 170 (86% max)
MHR 184 (93% max)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wed, June 24: JM30DS Level 2
Tues, June 23: JM30DS Level 1 + 5km (3.1) easy run

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Monday, June 22: JM30DS Level 2 + 5 mile treadmill run (5.6 mph)
Sunday, June 21: Johnny Miles 10km Race (57:56)
Saturday, June 20: Off (~1km walk)
Friday, June 19: 5km (3.1 mile) easy run
Thursday, June 18: JM30DS Level 1 + 5km (3.1 mile) run easy
Wednesday, June 17: off

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

16km long run w/ Mark

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today: 8km (5 miles) treadmill, 6.6mph (5:40min/km)

Yesterday: 5km recovery run

Monday, June 08, 2009

16km long run. Feeling it! 14 would have been better.

Cornwall Classic 10km

Raced w/ Mark on Saturday. New PR!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

6km recovery
AHR 158 (80% max)
MHR 170 (86% max)

Ran 6 days while in Hawaii for last week or so (May 24-June 1)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

5km at half marathon race pace AHR 173 (88% max) MHR 184 (93% max)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

6km recovery run

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

9.5k w/ 6 x 400m repeats @ 2:00 each

Monday, May 18, 2009

2009 Bluenose Marathon 10km Race

Place Name City Bib# Time Chip Pace Category Category
Place Gender
598 BRIA BROWN CHARLOTTETOWN 3145 57:19.3 56:58.7 5:44 Women 20 - 29 61/308 214/1204

Very hilly route! I was hoping to run a <55min but knew that was ambitious. I still set a PR and am happy with the run. BE ran 49:54 and also set a PR. Next race is June 6th- another 10km which is much flatter so I know I can get <55min!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5km recovery run
AHR 155 (79% max), MHR 170 (86% max)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

9km w/ 4 x 1000m repeats @ 5:00min/km

Monday, May 11, 2009

30 minutes spin bike (AHR ~135)

Ball squats - 3 x 20
Single leg bosu squats - 3 x 20 @ BW/20/20 lbs
Calf press - 3 x 20 @ 50 lbs
Bicycle crunches - 1 minute
Single leg crunches - 1 x 12/side
Regular crunches - 1 x 15
Reverse crunches - 1 x 15
Pushups - 2 x 15

Jumps on/off platform - 3 x 15
Box hops - 2 x 20/leg

Sunday, May 10, 2009

AHR: 176 (89% max)
MHR: 189 (96% max)
1031 calories (25% from fat)

Very wet and hilly 14k with BE. Virtually no ITB pain aside from some lateral movement. Bluenose 10k is next Sunday!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

1 | 6:39
2 | 6:46
3 | 5:19
4 | 6:46
5 | 5:42
6 | 6:54
7 | 6:27
7.0km | 44:33 | 6:22min/km

*bad run- nauseated- went home.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Friday, May 01, 2009

Tuesday, April 28: 6km recovery run
Wednesday, April 29: 5km easy
Thursday, April 30: 6km easy with 6 x 200m surges
Friday, May 1: 8km not-so-easy (wind, rain, etc)

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27:

40 minutes elliptical

Single leg squats on bosu: 3 x 10/leg
Single leg squats: 3 x 10/10/15 @ 20/20/BW lbs
Calf raises: 2 x 15 @ 20 lbs
Deadlifts: 2 x 15 @ 20 lbs

April 26:

10km run

Square jumps 2 x 20
Lateral square jumps 1 x 20 (right leg only)
Hurdle hops 2 x 20/leg
Knee tucks 2 x 8
Box jumps 2 x 8
Bounding 2 x 8

2 x 15 hip adductor raises
15 minutes yoga

April 25:
5km run

Square jumps 2 x 20
Lateral square jumps 1 x 20 (right leg only)
Hurdle hops 2 x 20/leg
Knee tucks 2 x 8
Box jumps 2 x 8
Bounding 2 x 8

20 minutes yoga

Friday, April 24, 2009

5.0km | 33:00 | 6:35min/km

April 23rd:
Level 2 30DS
Track repeats with Mark (cadence stuff. Maybe 2000m)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Walk to/from gym
45 minutes elliptical (20 min Cybex Arc Trainer, hill intervals level 6-7 + 25 minutes Precor, resistence 6-7, ramp 10-12)* arc trainer was aggravating lateral knee pain, Precor was fine.

Level 2 Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

MHR 169 (86% max), AHR 115 (58% max)
839kcals (50% from fat)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Strength at the gym. Lateral knee pain today. Had some heat in my joint last night, iced it. Not sure what's up (besides not strengthing enough).

- Walk to/from gym
- 20 min jog treadmill (5.2-5.5mph)

Barbell Squats: 2 x 15 @ 20lbs
Push-ups (real ones): 2 x 15
Seated row: 2 x 15 @ 25lbs
Step-ups: 2 x 15/leg @ 30lbs
Prone jacknife: 1 x 15 (should not have done. physio says bad angle for knee.)
Stability ball crunches: 1 x 15

Monday, April 20, 2009

Still trying to find some consistency w/ pace. Ran down to St Mary's track, did 1200m trying to keep a slow pace and consistent cadence; then home.

1 | 6:04
2 | 5:43
3 | 6:02
4 | 6:00
5 | 6:11
6 | 6:11
7 | 6:10
7.0km | 42:21 | 6:03min/km
248m walking c/d | 3:18 | 13:22min/km

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tried my first bikram yoga class last night. Intense! Felt pretty nauseated at times but it was an amazing stretch. Tried to hit 6:12min/km on this run.

1 | 5:38
2 | 5:53
3 | 6:14
4 | 6:24
5 | 6:07
6 | 6:13
7 | 6:28
8 | 6:11
8.0km | 49:08 | 6:09min/km
318m walking c/d | 3:47 | 11:55min/km

Thursday, April 16, 2009

6k with Mark trying to find out what my "training pace" should be. I.e. what pace can I run at that is easy and does not cause knee pain. We ran 2k to the University track, did 1200m there and then ran back to my place. I tried my best to run slow but I think my training pace would be better estimated at a 6:12.

1 | 5:52
2 | 5:48
3 | 6:00
4 | 6:02
5 | 6:19
6 | 6:07
6.0km | 36:08 | 6:01min/km
393m walking c/d | 4:48 | 12:39min/km

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

1 | 5:41
2 | 5:34
3 | 6:03
4 | 5:57
5 | 5:49
6 | 5:58
7 | 6:12
8 | 5:46
8.0km | 46:59 | 5:52min/km
533m walking c/d | 5:41 | 10:41min/km

Friday, April 10, 2009

Blah exams. Went out too fast on this one but beautiful day. Stopped to pet some horses at kilometer 9.

1 | 5:18
2 | 5:04
3 | 5:24
4 | 5:49
5 | 5:44
6 | 5:34
7 | 6:01
8 | 6:05
9 | 6:09
10| 5:47
10.0 km | 56:55 | 5:42min/km
485m walking c/d | 5:32 | 11:25min/km

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Not running much. Studying for exams.

1 | 5:23
2 | 5:38
3 | 5:29
4 | 5:42
5 | 5:44
6 | 5:18
6.0km | 33:13 | 5:32min/km
217m walking c/d | 2:55 | 13:29min/km

Sunday, March 29, 2009

6km recovery run. Another beautiful day. ITB sore, taking tomorrow off and did strength after the run.

1 | 6:12
2 | 6:00
3 | 6:06
4 | 6:10
5 | 6:21
6 | 5:59
6.0km | 36:48 | 6:08min/km
0.316km walking c/d | 3:42 | 11:44min/km

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Long run w/ Maria. Beautiful day- 9 degrees!

1 | 6:04
2 | 5:44
3 | 6:01
4 | 5:52
5 | 5:53
6 | 5:47
7 | 5:48
8 | 7:49 (walk break)
9 | 5:44
10| 5:59
11| 5:59
12| 6:03
13| 6:36
14| 6:03
14k | 1:25:21 | 6:06min/km
Then I realized I forgot my apartment keys with Maria soo a little extra jog to her place & walk home:

1 | 7:36
2 | 8:09
16.75km | 1:49:07

March 26:
1 | 6:00
2 | 5:55
3 | 4:48
4 | 6:00
5 | 4:48
6 | 6:07
7 | 5:21
8 | 5:53
9 | 5:44
10| 6:19
11| 5:55
12| 6:28
12.0km | 1:09:33 | 5:48min/km

March 25: 10km treadmill

March 24: 5km treadmill

March 18:

1 | 5:27
2 | 5:50
3 | 5:48
4 | 6:15
5 | 5:27
6 | 6:22
7 | 6:17
8 | 5:37
8.0km | 47:01 | 5:53min/km

Thursday, March 12, 2009

8k loop but Garmin took forever to lock into a sattelite.

1 | 6:21
2 | 6:12
3 | 5:53
4 | 6:09
5 | 5:54
6 | 5:57
6.5km | 39:28 | 6:04min/km
200m walking CD | 2:52

+ 15 minutes yoga/pilates/abs DVD

10km treadmill

Tuesday: off

Monday: off

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Head cold; not feeling well! 10km in Tantallon.

1 | 5:52
2 | 5:53
3 | 6:08
4 | 5:57
5 | 6:00
6 | 5:57
7 | 6:03
8 | 5:57
9 | 6:01
10 | 5:58
10km | 59:45 | 5:59min/km
Walking c/d 433m | 5:04

Saturday, March 6th:

4 miles treadmill

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Run w/ Mark.

1 | 5:16
2 | 5:15
3 | 5:55
4 | 6:20
5 | 5:36
6 | 6:06
7 | 7:10
8 | 6:13
9 | 5:57
9.5km | 56:48 | 5:59min/km

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Long run w/ Mark. No Garmin. Rolling hills were tiring but felt good overall. ITB a little sore.

13.5km | 1:18:00 | 5:46min/km | 6.5mph
AHR 174/MHR 185

Friday, February 27, 2009

6km easy. Garmin took forever to lock into a satellite so not sure what exact splits were.

1 | 5:26
2 | 6:18
3 | 6:22
4 | 6:49
4.65km | 6:19min/mi (incl. walking c/d)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tried to do 1.5km w/u + 5k at 4:48min/km + 1.5km c/d.
Need to adjust autopause settings. It wasn't kicking in fast enough at stoplights.
Feeling some progress because of increased outdoor runs!

1 | 6:10
2 | 5:43
3 | 5:18
4 | 5:40
5 | 6:15
6 | 6:59
7 | 9:42
8 | 5:42
8.62 km | 6:23min/km (incl. c/d)

Also did L1 30DS (minus cardio segments)
854 kcals burned, 50% from fat
MHR 182 (92%)/AHR 150 (76%)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Easy run" at the UPEI track.

6k | 40:52 | 10:14min/mi
Avg HR 161 (82% max)/Max HR 172 (87% max)
419 kcal/35% from fat

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Tempo" run with BE.

6 km (4 miles)| 32:15 | 8:04min/mi
Avg HR 174/Max HR 189
Feb 22nd:
1 | 9:59
2 | 10:14
3 | 11:22
4 | 9:49
4.37 miles | 46:29

Feb 21st: 7km indoors untimed

Feb 20th:
1 | 9:45
2 | 10:17
3 | 11:28
3.51 miles | 38:57

Feb 16th:
1 | 12:04
2 | 10:38
3 | 12:52
3.88 miles | 47:55 (rush hour/lots of traffic light stops)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Halifax Hypothermic Half Marathon

Yesterday I ran the Halifax Hypo Half. It was a great day for the run although Point Pleasant Park was a complete sheet of ice. I'm going to attribute my slow time to that, and not to my lack of outdoor training. ;)

1 | 10:20
2 | 10:17
3 | 10:09
4 | 10:24
5 | 10:03
6 | 10:04
7 | 10:57
8 | 10:47
9 | 10:30
10 | 10:39
11 | 10:24
12 | 10:55
13 | 12:09 (icey hills at the end.. what can I say haha)
13.42 miles | 2:21:40 | 10:34min/mi

I'll be honest, I'm bummed with the time. I have been running a lot, albeit indoors on a treadmill, but my runs average 6-7 miles at 6.5-7.0mph pace. Oh well. The finisher's medal was pretty!

Next up is the Bluenose Half Marathon in May, which I want to run FAST. I'm done being slow. I want a sub-2 hour half, and I'll get it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sun Jan 18 - 6 mile run
Mon Jan 19 - 6 mile run + L230DS
Tue Jan 20 - L230DS
Wed Jan 21 - 6 mile run + L230DS
Thu Jan 22 - 4 mile run + L230DS
Fri Jan 23 - 30 mins elliptical + 30DS
Sat Jan 24 - 9 mile run + L230DS

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jan 11 Sun - 1/2 hour walk to gym & back but spin was cancelled
Jan 12 Mon - 6 miles + L2 30 DS
Jan 13 Tues - 40 minutes spin + L2 30DS
Jan 14 Wed - 6 miles + L2 30DS
Jan 15 Thurs - 4 miles intervals + L2 30DS
Jan 16 Fri - OFF
Jan 17 Sat - 3 miles
Jan 18 Sun - 6 miles
Jan 19 Mon - 6 miles + L2 30DS
Jan 20 Tue - L2 30DS
Jan 21 Wed - 6 miles + L2 30DS
Jan 22 Thu - 4 miles + L2 30DS

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Realllly stressful week with getting back into the grind of the semester, switching in and out for classes, doing social committee stuff, etc.

Tues, Jan 7 - ran 5 miles + 30 day shred
Wed, Jan 8 - 30 day shred
Thurs, Jan 9 - off
Fri, Jan 10 - ran 6 miles, no shred :(
Sat, Jan 11 - ran 8 miles + 30 day shred

Monday, January 05, 2009

Day 6, Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred

5 miles on the treadmill, mostly at 5.6mph, some at 6.0
Walk to school & home from gym

Polar HR totals (for the run & walk home)
Kcals burned: 773 (40% from fat)
Max 175 (89% max), Avg 143 (73% max)

Just from glancing at my watch, my heart rate stayed around 159 for most of the run. This is lower than usual for me but a cool sign of progress!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Weekly Summary - week of Dec 28-Jan 3
* Ran 25.5 miles
* Burned 6,128 calories
* 6 days of strength training
* 1 cross training day

Jan 3rd, 2009:
8 miles treadmill run (@ 5.4mph) + walk to/from gym
Day 4, Level 1, 30 Day Shred

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Jan 2, 2009(!):
5 miles on the treadmill @ the gym (+walk to/from gym; ~1.2 miles total)
Day 3, Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Day 2, Level 1, 30 Day Shred

Dec 31/08:
6.66 miles outside
Day 1, Level 1, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred