Monday, February 13, 2006

New reason for loving my iPod nano: The stopwatch feature! I can't believe I forgot about it. I've been trying to estimate my mile times by dividing my mileage by my time. This handy little feature times all of my miles for me!

So today, I did:

track | 3 miles | 26:57 | average pace: 8:52/mile (7.0 mph)
1.0 | 8:23
2.0 | 8:33 | 17:56
3.0 | 9:01| 26:57

track | walking | 0.75 miles | 10:00

Lat pulldowns: 3 x 10 @ 60 lbs
Seated rows: 3 x 10 @ 40 lbs

Torso rotations: 3 x 10/side @ 60/60/70 lbs
Slow bicylcles: 3 x 20

Lateral raises: 3 x 8/10/8 @ 30/20/20 lbs

Lots of stretching :)

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